Rebelprettyboy 14-Gal BioCuBE Pic DIAry!

wow..... ok so when you get bored with your tank just send it my way ok?? i really like your tank! the color wow.. ok so yea those mushrooms would look really good in my tank

Love it Love it Love it!


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Originally Posted by RubyRedRose46
wow..... ok so when you get bored with your tank just send it my way ok?? i really like your tank! the color wow.. ok so yea those mushrooms would look really good in my tank

Love it Love it Love it!
lol if they werent such a hassle to get off the rocks they could be urs lol... I only need like 1 of them, but those grren with the white strips add a lot of color to the bottom of then tank!
But I dont want the purple ones that are in the middle up unders rocks and stuff!!!
Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
lol if they werent such a hassle to get off the rocks they could be urs lol... I only need like 1 of them, but those grren with the white strips add a lot of color to the bottom of then tank!
But I dont want the purple ones that are in the middle up unders rocks and stuff!!!

what if you took them off with a razor blade? *i just did that to two of mine and then where the lil bit of stump was left on the rock i covered with super glue and let it dry. So they would not re-grow *I hope* if they do i will try some hydrogen peroxide or some vodka lol . and the ones i cut off i just rubber-banded it to another rock and have it sitting in my tank till it takes hold them i will move it into my 6gal


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Clam Top Down (U can actually see then green rim around it kinda. Thats why i picked this one cuz it has a nice green rim, but my camera nvr picks it up really



Active Member
Might as well put these pics on the next page of the thread so ppl dont have to go back
Clam Top Down (U can actually see then green rim around it kinda. Thats why i picked this one cuz it has a nice green rim, but my camera nvr picks it up really
