Rebelprettyboy 14-Gal BioCuBE Pic DIAry!


Active Member
Originally Posted by ClownFiSH11
lemme get one of those polyps of nuc greens, and if you can spare one a arm polyp to 53217
lol I only got like 2 arm poylps.
And Im gonna let the nukes growout cuz I like how they look when theyre a colony.
Ppl sell those Nukes cheap as sH!T over on r2r


Active Member
Thinkin Saturday im gonna go pick up a mandarin. and take my clwonfish for trade in credit. And also Maybe the gramma as well but he will be a pain to catch so he might stay.
I wanna go w a diff line up of fish


Hi Rebel...I just posted a new thread about my 14 gal...I am so a beginner to all this it's not even funny...any advice to get my tank running optimally? I have the oceanic bio cube, with a whole lotta algae right now...could you take a sec to pop by my thread and give me some hints please please please....thanks :)