recomended crab for a 29 gallon reef tank



I have a 29 gallon reef tank with about 40 lbs of LR.. 30 lbs of LS
Finger Coral
Hairy Mushrooms
hammer coral
devils hand coral
leather coral
plate coral
and I think thats it
as far as fish I have
Bangaii(SP) cardinal
Small yellow tang (my LFS sold it to my cousin for his 12 gallon nano so i took it for my tank until my stand is finished I will have my 125 cycling)
2 3 stripe damsels
1 blue damsel
1 clarkii clown
about 7 blue leg hermit crabs
2 Peppermint shrimp
1 serpent star fish
1 long spine sea urchin
My question is what kind of crab could I get that would be safe for my tank and not hurt anyone?
Im thinking maybe a sally lightfoot and or a porcelin crab or two, but I am not at all familiar with crabs. Please let me know of any suggestions.. maybe one that is more visable.. I would like to possibly have 2 crabs or more... and I DO NOT WANT the arrow crabs those freak me out!


Active Member
I have those porcelain crabs, they are cool but they hide almost all the time. Boxing crabs are neat too, but they also hide. I think most crabs do.

bang guy

Porcelain Crabs or Acropora Crabs are the only ones safe for your tank in my opinion. An Emerald Crab or a Sally Lightfoot will "probably" be ok but they are not 100% safe.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
Porcelain Crabs or Acropora Crabs are the only ones safe for your tank in my opinion. An Emerald Crab or a Sally Lightfoot will "probably" be ok but they are not 100% safe.
My sallylightfoot went munching on my button polyps immediately and I dont mean just eating around them but tearing them apart. everybody said they were 100% safe. He went back to the pet store the same day. Emerald didn't eat any corals but would spend alot of time crawling all around them to eat around the base. All I have now are hermits.


go with the porcelin or anenome crab. Emeralds and sally lightfoots can sometimes be terrors to a reef.


our emerald was great for like 3 months then all of a sudden he got hungry i guess and in 2 days ate or destroyed like 15 yellow polyps :mad: . He went to the lfs the next day. nothing but hermits for me from now on


My two emeralds so far do nothing by fight with each other in a 30 gallon. They want to be in the same spot on a pc of live rock, even though I now have almost 30 pounds of LR, they want the SAME damn spot.


yikes.. so that eliminates just about everyone.. lol
i find it so weird how all these places say they are reef safe but yet they arent ususally..
very strange.
any more suggestions, comments or experiences?


maybe i will go w/ a coral banded shrimp.. would that be ok?
They look like they could do some damage though! lol


Originally Posted by Bang Guy
Porcelain Crabs or Acropora Crabs are the only ones safe for your tank in my opinion. An Emerald Crab or a Sally Lightfoot will "probably" be ok but they are not 100% safe.
Have to agree


Ok, the porcelin crabs do they come in like a blue/black w/ white stripe pattern? Because stores by me sell porcelin crabs but they dont look brown/redish like they do here on
please advise


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jhov2324
my friend has an anemone crab, as soon as he put it in, it killed his coral banned shrimp

I have an anemone crab and it never bothers anything, and never,ever,ever leaves it's anemone.


I just went out and got 2 porcelain crabs.. one is like in the pictures on and the other is blackish purple w/ stripes.. I will take photos before I add them to the tank. They are pretty cool LITTLE guys and boy do I mean little.. AND I just looked at the receipt and they only charged me for one crab, so I called and they said dont worry about it, their mistake, I win :)
Pretty cool so I got two for the price of one $7.49



Sorry the photo is kind of poor.. but you can see them both.. it was hard to take a pic through glass and through the bag :)


Yea, I figure I'll probably never see them again but hey.. why not throw them in there!
The darker one is a porcelian crab also right?
They are SOOO tiny like the size of a dime!
so cute


Active Member
They are both porcelains. They are very cute! If you look at your tank with a flashlight at night you might be able to find where they hide. That's how I get to look at mine.