


Thanks! Here are few more eye candy for those few who follow my thread lol.

sent from under the sea using my awesome galaxy note 2.


Why, thank you seth. :)
sent from under the sea using my awesome galaxy note 2.



Wow, what a beautiful tank. Why was I told no Triggers with reef? Thanks
Only trigger that's reef safe is blue throat trigger, red tail trigger or a cross hatch trigger.
Thanks for the kind words.
What lights are you running on that tank? I want some.
I run rapid led onyx fixture and it's been amazing for me.
sent from under the sea using my awesome galaxy note 2.


for some reason, tapatalk stopped working with swf.... crud...
Got few sps pieces and got few fish in!


Be carful with the trigger as it matures it gets aggressive. It chases tankmates, nibbles on cords for tanks that it can get at, and my friend had a trigger was hand feeding it for YouTube and got bit. Anyway good luck with it ;)


Hi, I haven't had triggers in a long while now. I am aware how aggressive they can be lol. Had all sorts of them before. Haha
sent from under the sea using my awesome galaxy note 2.



Got myself a naoki wrasse mated pair for less then 1/4 of retail price . I'm uber happy and excited. (Does a funny dance)

Few sps I picked up to replace few that I have lost.
sent from under the sea using my awesome galaxy note 2.

wen tom

I had Huma Humas and a Niger for many years and they were never naughty. (in with many community fishes) Then I got a clown and within 24 hours back it went!

wen tom

Snake- are you just taking a little break? Kinda scary reality, so many things can happen so easily and quickly. Much like life!



I had Huma Humas and a Niger for many years and they were never naughty. (in with many community fishes) Then I got a clown and within 24 hours back it went!
I have a niger in my dad's tank and he's so timid it's pretty ridiculous.
Snake- are you just taking a little break? Kinda scary reality, so many things can happen so easily and quickly. Much like life!
Very true.. can never relax with full reef. :/
sent from under the sea using my awesome galaxy note 2.

mr llimpid

Hey Sip how you been? I just got a Hum trigger in it in my QT I call him little pig, eat every thing I throw in there. I saw a spot so it going threw hypo as of this week end. I say again you have come along way tank looking great. I don't see how you can get any more in that tank. Time to upgrade. My wife wanted my to upgrade my little reef but I actually turned it down to much re-modeling going on to start another projec


Hey Jack, how are you?

I want to upgrade but I'm still very attached to this tank and my wife won't let me upgrade until I upgrade the house lol.
I actually turned down couple of free 120g and 150g due to this fact. :/
I'm just restocking my fish now. I'm making a quick list of things that I want and we will see how that goes.


Video that both me and my buddy have made for fellow reefers.

Let me know what you guys think.
Exclusive interview with Julian Sprung, Two little fishes.

mr llimpid

Originally Posted by Siptang http:///t/388524/recovery/720#post_3531684
Hey Jack, how are you?

I want to upgrade but I'm still very attached to this tank and my wife won't let me upgrade until I upgrade the house lol.
I actually turned down couple of free 120g and 150g due to this fact. :/
I'm just restocking my fish now. I'm making a quick list of things that I want and we will see how that goes.

Great, worked picked up and we finished the upstair remodeling job so jumped back down stairs for a fresh paint job and some wall repairs. I completly understnd why you are attached to that tank. Free, and you passed them up, you could have stored them, you need tang's in your life, lol.


I was thinking that too but baby fees take priority at the moment and I knew people who's been wanting to upgrade but didn't have the funds so I redirected towards that direction. Hopefully, things will work out for me when I am ready.
sent from under the sea using my awesome galaxy note 2.