


Well this isn't my tank but a tank that I made for my uncle. 29g Hex long.
Me and Carlos swapped some corals yesterday while meeting up and just relaxing.



Well-Known Member
"Hmmmm?" Is that the humming sound of money flying out of a wallet??

I like the hex tank you did there! Looks great.


no sir, I was given red and blue hornets for helping a friend out. :)



I got my favorite aly of all time!!
Rick can tell you how long I have been drooling over this one...
Tyree purple space monster paly!
Have 3 heads!
sent from under the sea using my awesome galaxy note 2.


Well-Known Member
I myself am a little disappointed with a Reefchicks order, but before I get myself all bent out of shape, I'm going to let them acclimate and open fully first. Then I'll decide if it's worth bringing to Aly's attention.


Well-Known Member
I got a "WYSWYG" zoa called a Cosmic Kiss.
NOW: I'm not beating down on Aly, but I am calling this a learning experience: She is very good at photographing her zoas in such a way that they look like XL polyps. Also, the color balance on her pics is a little.....not totally true to life. The Zoas I got are perfectly nice, but just between you and I.....if I had seen them in real life, I wouldna' spent $50 on them. They are quite small, and the colors are nowhere near what they look like online.
That being said.....I'm still fairly happy with the zoas. Just not $50.00 happy, you know? I think I'll be very VERY cautious buying zoas from her again. I have been extremely happy with all the other items I've gotten from her, but I manage to burn my butt every time I order zoas from a company sight unseen. Let's hope the Aquascapers order doesn't disappoint. Should be here Tuesday.


I have many friends in his industry and I have decided to visit few of them and write an article for my local reef club.
I won't bore you with the article but here are some pics from my adventure. ;)

"Virgin" 100% clean, no medicine was ever present on these tanks and premium design clown fish

Rows and rows of corals.

so many different elegance in one spot... DROOL..

Indo and Australia doughnuts


Zoas and palys.

My favorite, BRAINS!!!


This thing was bigger then my 2 hands combined.

Top of the line fish. I saw 2 gem tangs how many stores do you see with them in stock?

School of bannerfish

Owner's tank is being made.

With my buddy Carlos. (nissan from here SWF)

Big medicine cabinet.

Boys hard at work

Individual station was hooked up to a chiller running at 76-77 degrees

School of anthias.

Red tail wrasse
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I accidentally erased some pics of row full of scolys and other things. :/ go figure.
Gotta love So.FL.
I want to visit ORA and SWF warehouses too.


Well-Known Member
BEAUTIFUL pictures, and looks like you had a ton of fun!! Wish I could have gone. :-( I know my work-week schedule sucks sometimes.


Rick - they are closed on the weekends are open from 7am - 3pm. :/
Keith - I volunteer Rick to help you move! lol.