Red Sea Max 34 gallon...Diary


Active Member
those are probably nitrate bubbles, not actual bubble algae. Did you get your CUC yet? I'll gurantee you those cerith snails will have a field day on that rock.


Originally Posted by mboswell1982
things look like they're comin along great cal, i like ur cube a lot, but, i really like the red sea cubes anyway :p post more pics LOL
Yeah i will be posting more pix very soon, and thanks for the compliment.


Nevermind found it...
by: lion_crazz
Proper water levels:
pH - 8.2
ammonia/nitrite - always 0
nitrate - under 20-30 for fish only, under 10-20 for a reef. Preferably, if possible, 0.

kH - 8-12 dkH, 143-214 ppm, 2.86 - 4.29 meq/l
calcium - 400-460 ppm
magnesium - 1200-1280
salinity 34-36 ppt (refractometer)
specific gravity - 1.025-1.026 (hydrometer)
temperature - 76-82 (stability is more important here)


What kind of corals can i get for my lighting:

2 x 55 watt T5 power compacts (1 watt-liter/4 watt-gallon)
10,000K/Actinic lighting
Electronic ballast
High polish, textured aluminium reflector
Blue LED moonlights
Fan-cooled hood for extended life of electronic components
High transparency, polished lens
I am going to return the bta for store credit...


Active Member
Originally Posted by subielover
Softies, LPS, maybe some lower light sps

I dont recomend any sps for that type of light. But just about all softies yes, most LPS absolutely. When/if you upgrade skys the limit.
Your all set for, zoa's, shrooms, hammers, frogspawn, acans, bubble corals, candy canes... there are a ton more.
Looks great so far keep up the good work, and keep the patients.


Active Member
I think spiderwoman has the same tank, and I am pretty sure she has had some success with keeping montis but you should check with her on that.


I think i'm going to get a frogspawn and zoas don't know yet though?

I wonder if i could do a torch coral?

I won't be adding my fish until 2 weeks or so...
And i'm leaning towards the dwarf zebra lionfish right now, just because it's more active then the frogfish.(but anything can change)


Active Member
Originally Posted by cal559
what lights should i buy?
The T5 lights on your Red Sea Max can sustain an anemone. I've successfully kept two anemone's in my RSM, one of them died when I was moving the tank 8 hours away (totally unrelated to the lighting).


But if it doesn't survive don't they release toxins in the water that could kill your livestock?
I would like to keep it but just don't know?


Active Member
Originally Posted by cal559
But if it doesn't survive don't they release toxins in the water that could kill your livestock?
I would like to keep it but just don't know?
No it won't release toxins and the tank won't go septic if it dies. I don't think you have anything to worry about.
Let's put it this way... it survived your cycle so I highly doubt it's going to keel over now that it's made it past the hard part.
Again, T5's will do just fine for an anemone. Some people have much higher standards and think that a metal halide is the only way, but there are actually very few corals and stuff that need a MH. IF you had PC's I'd be worried about him but the T5's have high enough output to keep him happy.


New Member
The BTA will do great in the RSM. I've had a green bubble tip in my RSM for quite some time that's beautiful, happy and healthy. I also experimented with a small monti frag that has grown from about 3" in dia. to about 6"+ in dia. in about 3 months. The monti lives near the top though.
good luck.