Red Sea Max 34 gallon...Diary


Active Member
that star is an asterinas star, its ok for the system.. you may want to trade in that anenome though unless you plan to update your lights immediately.


Active Member
Originally Posted by cal559
Ok rotary thanks so buy my full cuc now cause i have just 4 ceriths and 2 scarlet crabs
double up the ceriths, I don't do crabs anymore... get 6 nassarius snails, 6 astreas, 1 turbo.. something like that.. you could always go up to 8 of each if necessary... start small then get more if your algae problem is still there after a month.


Ok i did a water test today here are the results:
pH: 8.2
Nitrites: 0
Amonia: 0
Nitrates: 10-20
Alk: 8.0


Active Member
Looking good Cal. Rotary's list for CUC is good. I can tell you from my experience I am particularly happy with my cerith snails as they seem like they are doing the best job. They munch away on the algae like a herd of cows.


Yeah 2morrow I'm going to my LFS to get all those he listed and then i don't know i still might do a dwarf lionfish...DON'T KNOW YET?


I noticed that i have tiny clear air bubbles forming on my lr what causes this? I don't think it's bubble algae because there clear and not hard.


Heres a picture of the tiny bubbles...they go right off when i use my turkey baster, but then come back later.

***Oh yeah and there only on the algae.


yeah i'm going to buy a K2 powerhead 600 gph i have 2 built in already that do 145 gph each so that should be enough flow.
Thanks again...


Active Member
things look like they're comin along great cal, i like ur cube a lot, but, i really like the red sea cubes anyway :p post more pics LOL