Reef Safe Fish


hey. it's 2x the amount of $ but your getting 2X the amount of lighting. and now you can keep SPS/anemone's (Sp??) and clams.


the other things is... you don't need to get that now. you can pick that up after you cycle your tank. (Don't need any lighting until you start adding fish)


Active Member
good point. I was planning on ordering all the stuff soon online (much cheaper online as you have probably already figured out) Also, since you've been so informative I have one more question, for my 40 gallon I was planning on getting the Maxi-Jet Wavemaker System (with 3 powerheads) theres a model taht does 318 gph and a model that does 480 gph, which one is better for my tank? Also my protein skimmer will be doing about 152 gph (AquaC Remora with Maxijet 1200 pump) Is this enough gph, (im still debating the whole sump idea, cause with the sump and the upgraded light this is becoming even more expensive, I'd much rather build my own hmm)


ok.... I would go with the sump... you already have a 10 gallon tank... so the is part of the expense. the next most expensive thing will be your return pump and over flow box. all together.... if you spent $100 you spend too much on the sump???
if you do go with a sump... the the flow from you skimmer does not count to you display flow....because it's not in the display. However... you would count the flow from you return pump which should be more then you skimmer.... Hope this makes sense.
OK. assuming you do not setup a sump now... (NOTE: the sump is something you can add to you system at anytime... even 2 years from now) if your going to have SPS... they like alot of flow... we are talking about 20X the turnover. 40 x 20 =800g/h
152 + 480 =632g/h. so you still missing some flow.... maybe. go with the 480's for now. and see how your flow is. you should have no dead spots in the DT. if this is the case then you good for now.
I really hope this makes sense


Active Member
Haha it actually did make since thanks for your help. The Maxi-Jet system actulley has some more models just didn't name them cause i didn't think I would need that much they have a 690 gph one and a 885 gph one. So with the protein skimmer that would be 842 gph for the first one and 1037 gph for the second one. I also asked about the 10 gallon tank in the DIY section, they said it would be way too small.


Hmmm... 10g to small.... yeah I can see that. see if you can get a used 20 Long or 29g. I would still be cheap just gotta make sure the copper was never used in it...
Oooooo you can also use one of the supper duty rubbermaid bind as a sump also... I've seen a couple of poeple with those.
as far as the flow.... go with the 690. this way if you do get a sump you won't go to far over... you can have too much flow. (for some corals at lest).


Active Member
Well, I just wanted to see your corals so I knew that I was taking advice from a good source :) And I Am, those corals all look amazing awesome job keep up the good work!


Well thank you ... i try. I'm currently fight a hair algae problem.... but other than that... I'm very happy with it.


Active Member
Haha i wrote that before seeing the second link of pictures, even more amazing, those anthias are awesome!!! Any chance i could get one or two :p I read that you said you woulnd't keep them in anything less then a 125... but maybe if I bought them small. They are so awesome looking!


Active Member
I've always wanted Anthias, but my 75 gallon fish-only tank is so agressive lol. I messed up by buying an agreesive fish, then every fish after has to be more agressive lol. In there now i have picasso trigger, undulated trigger, volitan lionfish, queen angelfish, marron clown, and a yellow tang could it get any more agrresive? All the fish are doing great, but I'm guessing at some point the angelfish will outgrow the tank.


Yeah... they are very nice looking... I was lucky to get them. the LFS had 4 sets. (1 male 2 Female) and they were all gone is 2 days. the bad think is that they can get really agresive in smaller tanks. and they really like to swim. But... I think you should look into a Six lines wrasse. that is one of my Fav fish. I like him better then the anthias


more personality. fun fish to watch. he is always on the move!! alway. even after the lights are out you see him darting in and out of the rock work. the way he hunts is also cool. they mostly eat pods and worms. slerps them down like spigetti.


Active Member
haha sweet. Hopefully this will be my last question (time to go swimming!) lol. Thanks for answering all my questions so fast too, i appreciate it. What about dwarf angels, in my opinion they are the best looking fish that are able to fit in a 40 gallon tank. I've heard that flame angels have basically a 50% chance that they'll bug your corals, but there was a thread on here about people's Coral Beautys and like 12/12 people said that theirs was fine in a reef tank. You think this would be a good fish for this size tank?
After I decide about the sump, I'm gonna start ordering all my stuff tonight hopefully and i think im gonna stick with the Coralife light, because i think the one you recommended is like $400 before you even put the bulbs in. Ill keep you posted on how it goes, I started a thread for the tanks progression pics (so far all there is, is just a pic of the empty tank lol) so check there later

Thanks Again


Hmmm. double check that lighting... I think they come with the PC lighting and you only have to get the HQI bulb... not sure.
and like i said, the sump is somthing that can wait to some time down the line. I didn't add mine till about 1 1/2 yrs after setting up my tank.
Pigmy angles.... I have heard some bad things about them. I have never had one so I really don't know. My assumption is that they are very nice looking fish that aren't that smart! it seems that they don't know what is food and what is not. most bad thing you hear about them is that they pick a coral... not eat them. so they take a nibble deside that they don't like it and go look for something else but they keep doing the same thing over and over again. if you do get one... make sure it's the last fish you add. they get agresive