Reef Safe Fish


Active Member
okay cool, now that I finally decided on the equipment (ordered it all last night), its time to start devising a fish plan! and a coral plan, for corals are there any real "no-nos" lol when it comes to picking the coral? I mean I know you don't want to keep certain corals too near each other because they can sting each other, but besides that is there any other "guidelines" on buying corals? Or is it basically buy whatever? When I say buy whatever I don't been buy any coral whether it looks good or not, I'm talking about mixing different types of corals.


Hmmm. this is harder Question to answer... you have to keep in mind the behaveir/growth rate and light requirments of the coral... some corals grow faster than other and you don't want them to over shadow other corals. you don't what to put a LPS 2" away from an SPS. the SPS will get stung. if you do go with alot os SPS that you may want o avoid Leathers (chemical warfare... slime factor... shedding). other than that... your golden... O and be careful with anomnies (sp?)


Active Member
I was planning on moving my leather coral that is currently in my 12 gallon nanocube that has grown so much its almost out of the water, can't wait to see how it will do in the 40


when you move it make sure it's in good flow.... so when it sheads it will be pulles away an the skimmer can get it


Active Member
ya now I sometimes have to manually move my hand by it to get its shedding off, and with the 690 gph from my powerheads, no more of that! lol


Active Member
Okay last post for a while, I've come up with a list of fish that would fit in my tank, (i doubt i could fit all of these at the same time, just wondering what you would recommend)
-Yellow Headed Sleeper Goby or Bicolor Blenny
-Exquiste or Longfin Fairy Wrasse
-Six Line Wrasse
-Royal Gramma
-True Percula Clownfish (my tank-bred one now doesn't even like anemones.. lol)
-Cherub Angelfish (that golfish dude recommended it for a reef tank)
What combination of those could I have, and do blennys do a good job at cleaning the sand?


Me.... I'm not a big Blenny fan...
if you want a fish for the sand then stick with a Goby Yello head sounds good
2 clowns sound in order
pick a wrasse any wrasse but pick only one!
Angel sounds good. if you want to take the risk


Active Member
lol i know its kind of a rip off, its like 50% chance that they'll bug corals.. are there any tips to make a fish less likely to bug corals? (sorry i said the last one was the last question, but i have one more lol)


Hmmm. I have no clue about this one. I've never had an angel??? sorry
keep the ???????? comming... keeps me busy at work. (very easy job)


Originally Posted by F1shMan
Is there any chance I could have a small angel (coral beauty or flame angel) for a while in a 40 gallon. Before it outgrew the tank? :notsure: :notsure:

I'm pretty sure a flame angel would be alright in a 40.


Active Member
okay, im pretty sure im gonna get a cherub angel instead, there max is like 3", and most people have had no trouble with them in reef tanks


Active Member
hey latino!! I got all my stuff today!!!!!! Woohoooo!!!! These powerheads are sweet and have like 500 options!! woohoo!!!! ill keep you posted! woohooo! (im ordering live rock and live sand real soon)


:jumping: :jumping: :jumping:
let me know how you like that system. I'm thinking ofe get some kind of wavemaker when I UPG my tank.


Active Member
I got everything today except the light (shipped seperatly) and the AquaC Remora (which I wasn't planning on putting on the tank till after it cycles) so today im gonna get the water, put the powerheads in, buy the live sand, order the live rock, when the live rock gets here put it in the tank, then put the live sand in after the live rock, then let the cycle begin!