Renee's "Pretty" tank.


New Member
are you going to hire a moving company just for all your fish tanks, i thought moving my one 55 was bad when i moved!! I can't imagine moving all your beautiful tanks!


Active Member
We are definitely going to hire someone. 13 tanks is just too many to deal with during a move.
He's too small to go with the volitans and friends. He was suppose to go into the medium scorp tank except we don't think he will be able to compete in there for food. So, into the "pretty tank" he goes.
He's not really "into" live fish and just ignores them. But none of his roommates will be able to fit in his mouth at any rate.


Active Member
This is the shape of the tank we are looking at. This one in particular is Phillipe's Grosman.

The tank itself will be a non-photosynthetic.
The inspiration.
Going to spend the next year or so practicing and learning.


I have seen that tank picture somewhere before....that would be a neat tank to have too...I can only imagine what you would do with it :)


So very beautiful Cran.. You are very lucky to have one of these guys, but who better than you right :).
Also quick side question what type of camera do you use, Im looking to get one here in about a month or so? Hope you dont mind but with pics like that I have to ask ;)


Active Member
The camera I'm using now is a Canon 5D Mark II. Most of the pics you see around were taken with a Canon 40D. Any of Canons lower line are great hobbyist cameras. You'll get great results with any of those if you set it up right. Having good glass is imperative.


Very cool, I will be checking those out soon. And I'm sure you will know when I get one I will be taking and posting pics galore :)


Active Member
When I find the charger for my camera, I'm all over it.... but I still haven't even located my underwear since the move O.O
I tried with the iPhone, but it didn't come out :-(