Republican Candidates


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tarball
Only in your paranoid world.
Not just my some rearch on the usage of the phrase or you can wait for the next PBS documentary.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tarball
There is no debating someone like you. You have no ability to look back & see the truth. People like you only look forward to the next Fox news terrorism report.

I've posed some simple q's to you which you have yet to answer.

Fox News is only one of many sources in the big world of information outside PBS. All should be considerd in the big world of information including Fox and/or PBS.
I do realize those that beleive in conspiracy theories seek out and follow certain information venues.


ScubaDoo said:
Not just my some rearch on the usage of the phrase or you can wait for the next PBS documentary.
TRILLIONS, let me say it again, TRILLIONS of dollars in security and your "STILL" paranoid.
What wrong with you? Let me Guess?
You watch tOOOOOOOO much news!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tarball
There is no debating someone like you.
Spoken like a true cut and runner. I'll at least give you credit for sticking to that position regarding debate...but you have yet to answer questions.
So, once we cut and run out of Iraq and discontinue the war against terror in general ...what do you think will happen?
What would you support regarding fighting terrorism and/or preventing future attacks here at home?
I understand if you cannot this possibly has has yet to be covered on the conspiracy venues.


Terrorism is not the greatest threat to the American way of life.
A self proclaimed war president that misleads our democracy & the American people is the greatest threat to the American way of life & our freedoms.
Remember war destroys.


Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
Spoken like a true cut and runner.

I'll say one thing about you, you are loaded with our Republic kleshas....


Active Member
Tarball said:
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
Not just my some rearch on the usage of the phrase or you can wait for the next PBS documentary.
TRILLIONS, let me say it again, TRILLIONS of dollars in security and your "STILL" paranoid.
What wrong with you? Let me Guess?
You watch tOOOOOOOO much news!!!
Nope, I just have informed opinions based on numerous sources. It does not make me right.
I support the war against terrorism in general. In my opinion, it is better than doing nothing. Most reasonable people I beleive would agree regarding the dangers of terrorism.
I do realize some that live in the conspiracy world regarding our governemnt and Iraq beleive we should do nothing. Most of those folks offer nothing in return but cut and run.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tarball
Remember war destroys.
And the terrorists want to destroy you. I understand that you prefer to stick your head in the sand and ignore it. Maybe they will play nice if we all simply ignore them.


ScubaDoo said:

Originally Posted by Tarball
Nope, I just have informed opinions based on numerous sources. It does not make me right.
I support the war against terrorism in general. In my opinion, it is better than doing nothing. Most reasonable people I beleive would agree regarding the dangers of terrorism.
I do realize some that live in the conspiracy world regarding our governemnt and Iraq beleive we should do nothing. Most of those folks offer nothing in return but cut and run.
If you missed my point, We've spent a mind blowing amount of money on security in this country long before Bush showed up. So much that we have more people in prison in this country then China & Russia combined together.
Why is that?.... I refuse to be intimidated by a bunch of sand dwelling fools on the other side of the world without a military.
If this war campaign produced by the Bush administration intimidates you... Shall be it!!!
But excuse me if I mock the idea & refuse its intimidation.
What a mind ********** (please refrain from using inappropriate language
)we as Americans are dealing with.


Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
And the terrorists want to destroy you. I understand that you prefer to stick your head in the sand and ignore it. Maybe they will play nice if we all simply ignore them.
You say I'm the one with my head in the sand?
Seems to me you're the one thats afraid!...


Active Member
Tarball said:
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
If you missed my point, We've been spending a mind blowing amount of money on security in this country long before Bush showed up. So much that we have more people in prison in this country then China & Russia combined together.
Why is that?.... I refuse to be intimidated by a bunch of sand dwelling fools on the other side of the world without a military.
If this war campaign produced by the Bush administration intimidates you... Shall be it!!!
But excuse me if I mock the idea & refuse its intimidation
Actually, prior to Bush during the CLinton years the military was shrunk by about 40%.
It is that spending and the war on terror in general that has resulted in zero attacks here at home since 9/11, and several plots uncovered abroad and dealt with swiftly.
The fact the terrorists do not have conventional means of fighting make them more likely to hit us here at home then a conventional military in general.
You dont have to beleive they will attack again and/or be intimidated at all. Simply support ignoring it and do nothing. Cut and run and we'll all be safer. You are free to beleive that and post your opinion regarding a president with you brilliant "language" and view....and our brave men and women in the military will continue the watch so you can do so.


Active Member

Originally Posted by Tarball
The inspectors were in Iraq as required by the United Nation,
If given time, they would of discovered No chemical manufacturing Facilities, No biological facilities, No nuclear weapons facilities.
Like I said, WMDs have nothing to do with why our military invaded Iraq. It was a lie just for you & like minded people.
Let the ignorant be happy & the wise suffer the truths.
If bush decided to invade Iraq because of sanction, then that's what should of been said. Then let American Vote for its war.
Its obvious you have know problem with political leaders lying to the people. If you accept the Republic of America Lying to its American Democracy,& the American people. Then maybe you should move to China Or Russia, were a true Republic Government exists. A government where they could care less about the truth or what its people think.
Absolutely absurd...
Tarball, here's a novel concept; How about you actually read the UN Resolutions leading up to our invasion into Iraq. For starters, read UN resolution 1441, passed UNANOMOUSLY in November 2002. You might actually have some facts to discuss after you've read some actual source documents instead of getting your talking points from conspiracy theorists.
Wars are not up to a vote.... never have been. Congress has to authorize a war, and by the way they did authorize the attack into Iraq. Again, a great source document for you to read would be: "Joint Resolution to Authorize the Use of United States Armed Forces Against Iraq

You keep saying The President lied, while ignoring the blatant facts in front of you...
*The UN said Saddam had WMDs (read the Resolutions)
*Congress said Saddam had WMDs (Read Joint Resolution I mentioned)
*Every major Intel agency of every major country in the world said he had WMDs...
Oh, and as I said earlier, I didn't need the WMD info to want to go into Iraq. As an American, the first time Saddam fired on one of our pilots enforcing the No Fly Zone I was all for going back in.


ScubaDoo said:
Originally Posted by Tarball
Actually, prior to Bush during the CLinton years the military was shrunk by about 40%.
It is that spending and the war on terror in general that has resulted in zero attacks here at home since 9/11, and several plots uncovered abroad and dealt with swiftly.
The fact the terrorists do not have conventional means of fighting make them more likely to hit us here at home then a conventional military in general.
You dont have to beleive they will attack again and/or be intimidated at all. Simply support ignoring it and do nothing. Cut and run and we'll all be safer. You are free to beleive that and post your opinion regarding a president with you brilliant "language" and view....and our brave men and women in the military will continue the watch so you can do so.

If we as the people of our nation allow our government to spend more then the rest of the world combined in a aggressive nature. We will surely meet another attack.
its common sense.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tarball
There is no debating someone like you. You have no ability to look back & see the truth. People like you only look forward to the next Fox news terrorism report.

I've posted SOURCE DOCUMENTS FROM THE TIME PERIOD leading up to our invasion of Iraq.
Read them, then let's discuss this more fully. I'm excited to hear how President Bush lead a vast Shadow Goverment into deceiving the entire world for 3 years before he became president...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tarball
There's another one of our Republic Kleshas
Ya... Al Qaeda is misunderstood... The planes they crashed into the WTC and Pentagon were actually supposed to be pulling those cool advertising banners saying "we (heart) America"...
The USS Cole wasn't really attacked...
Our embassies in africa weren't really bombed...
Nope, Al Qaeda is a club full of Humanitarians


Active Member
Tarball said:
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
If we as the people of our nation allow our government to spend more then the rest of the world combined in a aggressive nature. We will surely meet another attack.
its common sense.
So, conversely, if we quit spending anything on our military we will never be attacked?
So now you're saying Al Qaeda attacked us because we spent too much on our military? That's interesting, considering we were attacked half a dozen times under President Clinton when he had drastically cut our military spending... Hmm... something doesn't add up here.


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I've posted SOURCE DOCUMENTS FROM THE TIME PERIOD leading up to our invasion of Iraq.
Read them, then let's discuss this more fully. I'm excited to hear how President Bush lead a vast Shadow Goverment into deceiving the entire world for 3 years before he became president...
Bush did not lead a vast shadow government for 3 yrs before he was elected. Bush was the tail end of the dog. There were powers before him in politics that influenced him to lead us to war. Daddy Bush, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, & so on.
You honestly do not think Bush Jr is the brains behind the powers do you?....

I never suggester that, nor would I ever! Da boys a puppet, like the mini-cons in this thread.


Active Member
Tarball, you've got some reading to do...
17 UN Resolutions and 1 Joint Resolution by Congress... Then we can have an educated debate if you still wish.


Active Member
Tarball said:
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
If we as the people of our nation allow our government to spend more then the rest of the world combined in a aggressive nature. We will surely meet another attack.
its common sense.
Sorry, my common sense does not follow this logic. So, Ali and the gang or mad becuase we spend $ on our defense?
It is now your position if we quit and/or reduce military spending....the terrorists will leave us alone and forget about us? While many of the political cut and runners would like to reduce miltary spending, I doubt you could find many that beleive this is the resason we were attcked by the terrorists.
Is this their battle cry? We will destroy you becuase you spend to much on the military? Hmmm...not sure I've heard that rally cry form the terrorists before.