Originally Posted by Rylan1
Sadaam even said there was no WMD's... Why are you all so gung-ho about these WMD's. We haven't found any.. and I've heard the arguement they were shipped across the border... or they are under the Tigris River or whatever... Fact is that this was premature at best... I aslo find the timing of the war very ironic. I can apprieciate your "love" for Bush, but you all act as if he can do no wrong and has been the best president since your other icon Reagan. We have no problems in this country... the
crisis is not as bad as being reported, our economy is booming, medical care/coverage....nothing wrong with that. People just need to get off their lazy rears and work. Lets give $10's of Billions to Pakistan, but sit idlely to what is going on in Darfur, Congo, and Kenya. Lets wage a war in Iraq, but we will use far less resources going after Bin Laden...We will also make the world a little less stable...
My support or lack thereof is the result of an educated opinion of substantiated information from as neutral as you can be sources of political and economical discourse. I have an a BBA in economics I've studied over the past 5 years economic indicators, trends, disected the monitary policy of greenspan and this yahoo Bernanke. I have taken whole classes on differences between the Freeman and Keynesian economic economic policies.
So I have a fairly educated view on the subject of economics.
I'm a second generation american whose family DID work hard, and made it on their own without the aid of entitlement programs that in their minds only breed lazyness. My family has fought racism, sexism, and language barrier. The other day my grandfather told me in spanish, "you can do anything, because you can speak english." Imagine if a person recieving "the check" were to have that outlook on life, instead of looking for her next baby daddy?
Sure people get "delt bad hands" but most are NOT insurmountable.
Imagine if black leaders would stop playing the victim and blaming other people for their own problems. (You could look at Condi Rice as an example of someone who "worked hard" and made herself) Imagine if "black leaders" were not race bating political hacks, but instead focused their power to encourge education, productivity, self reliance, and self responsibility. Instead of government reliance and entitlement.
I don't believe in looking at government to take care of me. They have been trying to for generations and we still have poverty. The government can't get you out of poverty only YOU can. So you knock our devotion to our principles. But I believe in them because I've seen them work. I'm not some rich kid from the suburbs who doesn't know poverty. I'm someone who has seen his family put these principles to work and has succeeded. I have an education that has molded my views on economics.
I'm not the one following blindly.