Originally Posted by
ok.. Here are the unemployment numbers from President Clinton and President Bush: (taken from Bureau of Labor)
1992 7.5%
1993 6.9%
1994 6.1%
1995 5.6%
1996 5.4%
1997 4.9%
1998 4.5%
1999 4.2%
2000 4.0%
Average= 6.1%
2001 4.7%
2002 5.8%
2003 6.0%
2004 5.5%
2005 5.1%
2006 4.6%
2007 4.6%
Average= 5.2%
So the lowest single year was 2000 (Clinton). While the lowest average was under President Bush.
Of course, these numbers can be deceiving. For instance, President Clinton took office at the end of an actual recession, President Bush inherited a recession, 9-11 hit, we had Congress switch parties in 96 and 2006, etc.
I'm just not seeing the loss of jobs, doom-and-gloom scenario the Media is trying to scare us into believing.
These numbers look good to me. The US record for unemployment was 0% during WWII. Unemployment has a paridoxal affect, when it gets below 3% it is bad for the economy, likewise anything over 5% is also bad.