Republican Candidates


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Maybe all those classified documents Sandy Berger stole before the 9-11 comission saw them had the evidence about the chemical weapons factory Clinton blew up.


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Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
Yep......I like throwing the 'game" back at the liberals that claim to be walking the "high road". Bush lied, war for oil, etc, etc.
Yet, they FAIL to bring in the democratic past transgressions. That is some how reconciled away and does not count
past, try current, What is that congresman from Louisiana that had freezers full of cash?


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
past, try current, What is that congresman from Louisiana that had freezers full of cash?
Jefferson...couldn't stomach the guy when I lived in new Orleans.


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Originally Posted by Rylan1
For clarification purposes... I mean I don't see any viable Iraqi leader that could maintain control and avoid assination
So, if you don't see it cannot be? Goodness, I've never seen such a group of nay sayers.


Active Member
He was probably going home to make a withdrawl..

Amid the chaos and confusion that engulfed New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina struck, a congressman used National Guard troops to check on his property and rescue his personal belongings -- even while New Orleans residents were trying to get rescued from rooftops, ABC News has learned.
Where to Donate to Katrina ReliefOn Sept. 2 -- five days after Katrina hit the Gulf Coast -- Rep. William Jefferson, D-La., who represents New Orleans and is a senior member of the powerful Ways and Means Committee, was allowed through the military blockades set up around the city to reach the Superdome, where thousands of evacuees had been taken.
Military sources tells ABC News that Jefferson, an eight-term Democratic congressman, asked the National Guard that night to take him on a tour of the flooded portions of his congressional district. A five-ton military truck and a half dozen military police were dispatched.
Lt. Col. Pete Schneider of the Louisiana National Guard tells ABC News that during the tour, Jefferson asked that the truck take him to his home on Marengo Street, in the affluent uptown neighborhood in his congressional district. According to Schneider, this was not part of Jefferson's initial request.
Jefferson defended the expedition, saying he set out to see how residents were coping at the Superdome and in his neighborhood. He also insisted that he did not ask the National Guard to transport him.
Hurricane Katrina"I did not seek the use of military assets to help me get around my city," Jefferson told ABC News. "There was shooting going on. There was sniping going on. They thought I should be escorted by some military guards, both to the convention center, the Superdome and uptown."
The water reached to the third step of Jefferson's house, a military source familiar with the incident told ABC News, and the vehicle pulled up onto Jefferson's front lawn so he wouldn't have to walk in the water. Jefferson went into the house alone, the source says, while the soldiers waited on the porch for about an hour


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Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
Reports on August 21st suggested that as many as 600 terrorists were in attendance at bin Laden's mountain redoubts. "This is the largest Sunni terrorist training facility in the world," Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman General Hugh Shelton told a Pentagon briefing. In later reports, however, officials acknowledged that the terror summit story had been erroneous; bin Laden and other leaders were probably nowhere near the four camps that were hit by the Tomahawk attack.
On August 21st Sandy Berger offered this positive assessment: "The attacks have significantly disrupted the capability to use these camps as terrorist training facilities." William Cohen also claimed that the strikes "destroyed a number of facilities." But reporters who journeyed to the remote locations described only a few thousands of dollars worth of damage to obstacle courses, barracks, and tents, all relatively easy to replace. A paltry return for the expenditure of an estimated $100 million in cruise missiles.
Sure I can comment.... lets say everything you have written is correct. My counterpoint would be that Clinton didn't drag us into a 7 year war because of faulty intel.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
So, if you don't see it cannot be? Goodness, I've never seen such a group of nay sayers.
Think about it... It will be awhile before Iraq is stable. Look at the history of the country. Look at the groups of people and the violence associated with the groups. I think a counsel would possibably be the best solution.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Sure I can comment.... lets say everything you have written is correct. My counterpoint would be that Clinton didn't drag us into a 7 year war because of faulty intel.
He may have done so by, "not having anything to hold him on."


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Think about it... It will be awhile before Iraq is stable. Look at the history of the country. Look at the groups of people and the violence associated with the groups. I think a counsel would possibably be the best solution.
Historically wouldn't be anything out of the ordinary for a rebuilding effort after a bad leader and a war.


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Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
I used to work for a couple govenment entities back home...I could tell you stories you would not beleive.
(work in the oil business, and the folks from LA are almost proud of their government corruption) They say I'd rather have a criminal than a politician. And least they are honest about lying.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
I understand the feeling about McCain...but I do think he has the best chance at beating the democratic candidate.
I agree with some of his positions...others I do not.
McCain...or Hillary/Obama? Sorry, but that's how I see it. I don't think Mitt can win in the general.
I feel it would be horrible to have 4 years under the universal healthcare cut and runners.

I actually heard something the aother day where McCain has said if he gets elected he will only be a one term president and step down after his first term, setting up his running mate.
If this is true he is either going to use that 4 years and trully make the dems mad, or make the conservatives mad....either way, anyone else heard anything about this?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
I actually heard something the aother day where McCain has said if he gets elected he will only be a one term president and step down after his first term, setting up his running mate.
If this is true he is either going to use that 4 years and trully make the dems mad, or make the conservatives mad....either way, anyone else heard anything about this?
Haven't heard it, but that is interesting. I think this could be a negative. I thought age would be a concern for him being that at the end of the 1st term he'll be 76 yrs old.
So looks like Guiliani and Edwards are out. Who will this benefit?


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Historically wouldn't be anything out of the ordinary for a rebuilding effort after a bad leader and a war.
You are right, but I think Iraq is a more difficult situation because of the inability for these people to come together


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Haven't heard it, but that is interesting. I think this could be a negative. I thought age would be a concern for him being that at the end of the 1st term he'll be 76 yrs old.
So looks like Guiliani and Edwards are out. Who will this benefit?
He is that old? I didn't realise that. Man's got to be in shape to run a prez schedule at 82 83 years old.
I'm very skeptical of someone saying that, but I haven't heard that at all.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
He is that old? I didn't realise that. Man's got to be in shape to run a prez schedule at 82 83 years old.
I'm very skeptical of someone saying that, but I haven't heard that at all.
He's 71 now, would be 76 at end of 1st term
They say presidents age extremely fast while in office ... 3 to 1.
So at the end if his 1st term in "President Years" he would be 84... Then I guess you can take in account his POW experience which probably added a few more years to his age.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
He's 71 now, would be 76 at end of 1st term
They say presidents age extremely fast while in office ... 3 to 1.
So at the end if his 1st term in "President Years" he would be 84... Then I guess you can take in account his POW experience which probably added a few more years to his age.
I can't read. That is pretty dang old. Running that schedule at 75 would be pretty grueling I would think.


Active Member
Be interesting to see if they play up the age. McCain's mom looks pretty lively out there. He's only 11 years older than Clinton so I am not sure how much of an issue it would be anyway. As long as he selects a good running mate I doubt it is going tobe much of a issue.