return pump placement/


TERRABLE! horrable and disgusting.. i can barely see in but there is somthing grwoing on one of the rocks... it looks like a mushroom you would find growing in the woods on a rotting log.. same collor and shape.. ya know the 2 to 3 tier mushrooms that are flat discs stacked untop of eachother.. growing out of stumps and what not? thats what it looks like.. i described it to my brother he said it was monty? what ever that is... but i have to go to work in about half hour ill be back around 2 pm thanks for all the help guys... im rulling out the salt though


Active Member
Was the mushroom there before all this started happening? We honestly need to back track your steps before things went south.......


mushroom wasnt there lastnight i can tell ya that! steps.. bought new bucket of salt.. on saturday. mixed sunday. changed monday morning.. cloudy by the time i got home.. i also cleaned pump foam cover during that water change and pulled the protien skimmer out and scrubbed it. then it was cloudy thought it was from me moving stuff around.. so i drained the sump that night and put the baffles in.... added the floss and here i am no difference.. now that i think about it its been less than a week!!! wow that feels like forever.. i swore it was going on for over a week but when i think about it thats the time line... hmmm.. any way what do you think


Active Member
How did the water look that you mixed for the very first water change you did?? Was your water change container clean and not contaminated with anything? I know you put the baffles in place what did you use to seal them in place? How long did you wait before you put the unit into service?


Active Member
Sorry for the double post, but did you attempt to pull the mushroom out and observe it closely???? That sounds really weird that it just appeared.....


i'm back

thanks every one.... i appreciate all your help.... but i still have a vanillia milkshake... there is a post over in the reef section, top of second page about some one with milky water right after they added an orange dot sleeper goby.. well iadded one before my mess tooo..... hmmmmmmm


its over in reef tanks... i just posted in it so it has to be near the top... 2 other people said they added the fish and it clouded up there tanks...... hard to imagine.. 1 guy said he took his back.... i cant imagine that a tiny fish like this can do this to my water..... but hell at this point.... i think i would belive anything.


that big rock with all the polyps on it in the very front of my tank in the sand bed has a balck sponge on it.. actually had.. it went wite and fuzzy on me for a few days then it looked like hard white plastic and today a piece broke off and black goo seeped out.... WHAT THE HELL MAN! haha love fish... hate life...


ok here we go.. i just got done doing a water change so there still a little cloudy but a hundred times better. but my last few tests my nitrates are up.. and a touch of amonia.. my skimmer is not really doing its job latly.. so i took that out and cleaned it and i cant really get in it to clean it as well as i would like.. i think its time for a new one.. its an aqaurium systems sea clone... so if any one has a nice one at a good price let me know.. cash is tight..... and shawn i rearanged the rocks on the right and moved some mushrooms and polyps and zoos and what not so a lot of things are closed up... did some aptasia removal.. i had a busy day in the water today! so comments are welcome.. insults are not.. if i did somthing thats wrong i really want to know.. but remember i am coming up on my 4th month with a reef so take it easy guys... im no pro but i try like hell....



also the camera is new... just getting the hang of the settings and im not real impressed some times and others i am thrilled with... its a fuji finepix S5100... its late so my lights are winding down and i couldnt quite get it right tonight with the pics ill work on better ones.. got some hazy borders and blured spots and some are too dark and some where to light... i only took about 30 with the new camera so ill get it right when i have more time to read the novel for a manual and practice but thanks for all your help!