Rich people and biggots always vote Republican

From reading through the hundreds of political posts, that's pretty much what I have come up with...
In a sense, I can understand why if you are making more than $250,000 a year, you would be a McCain supporter. Speaking strictly on a financial level, it makes sense.
What makes me sad, is the general lack of compassion and understanding that the typical republican shares.
The best part, is that most will claim to believe in "good Christian values", yet at the same time, continually rip apart any attempt to help the less fortunate.
Look, you have it good. You have a great job, a family, a house... the whole nine yards. Good for you friend. You are living the American dream.
My question to you however, is why are you so opposed to helping those who are less fortunate?
Some guy named Jesus, who most republicans claim as a big decision maker in their political views, was the original "maverick" when it came to helping the less fortunate.
I am guessing he would find it somewhat ironic and disheartening to see that so many of you base your political vote on simple greed and distaste for those who don't happen to have it as good as you do.
Who do you think he was rescuing from harm and opression when he was around?
My guess is it wasn't the kings and royalty, but more likely the poor, sick, and hungry.
So would someone please explain to me why when people making over $250,000 a year get taxed a little extra in order for some poor person to eat, or not lose their home, or put clothes on their children's back, etc.
Please explain to me why that is such a problem. I hope to God that it's more than just simple greed.
I really do.
Because what scares me, is that most people see the "poor", as minorities in this country, and once again, this all goes back to the deep rooted racist backbone the Republican party has always leaned on...
And for the record, I am a 27 year old, WHITE male, making around 55k a year, from the state of South Carolina. So spare me the "don't just defend poor people cause you are one" line...


Active Member
So.....making less than 50,000 a year like I do, I should be a Democrat???
Sorry pal. Total Republican here and allways will be. Read my lips.."I WORK FOR MY MONEY".
You have bought into the typical Demo-facist mantra.
Do me a favor, start researching "the rich" for yourself. See how they lie politically. Then come back and make a statement like that.


Active Member
First off, taxing people 50% of their income isn't "a little bit more", now is it. Let's not shrug off the sacrifices those that work hard in this country make to provide for the way of life many of us enjoy who make and pay far less...
Second, bringing the Bible and Jesus into is a contradiction to your premise. If you read the Bible and study the early church you'll quickly find Jesus and later the early Christians didn't sit around and wait for Government handouts. They provided for the poor and each other themselves. Also, and this will shock you, those "bigoted and greedy" Republican church goers you talk bad about give more money to charity than the folks that claim to care. Feel free to look at how little Senator Obama and Biden gave to charity, for example.
Third, you need to brush up on your history. The Republican Party championed the Civil Right's Acts... Leaning on racism? That's just silly and uninformed.
Fourth, and quite possibly most importantly, our Nation was founded as a free society. Our Nation is the greatest in the world because of Capitalism, not despite it. Taxing the wealthy into oblivion to redistribute wealth is a form of Communism. Again, do a bit of studying about how well that worked out for the poor. Do you have any idea how many poor people starved in the Ukraine and Caucuses during the 1930's? Redistribution of wealth does not work. The "poor" in our Nation have access to health care, shelters, food... How many Nations can say that? Have you seen the way the poor live in other countries?
My guess is this thread will have to be locked down shortly. I cannot imagine many people posting constructively in the face of your offensive post.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TheClemsonKid
And for the record, I am a 27 year old, WHITE male, making around 55k a year, from the state of South Carolina. So spare me the "don't just defend poor people cause you are one" line...
South Carolina, or Ohio??
See, right there.
You say you "work" for your money. I respect that, seeing as I work for my money too.
What irks me, is that you somehow make it sound like most people who are democrat DON'T work for their money.
I think you have this image of people just sitting around, waiting for the welfare check, so they can go out and buy some more drugs and booze, all on the "working mans" (aka taxpayer's) coin.
Did it ever occur to you people, that most of the country is struggling right now. The majority of the people on welfare are hard working people.
Most of them have two jobs or more. Some of them, including my own grandparents, are people who have busted their butts (my grandpa, an Army vet who worked 28 years for an electric company) and now he can't afford to make a house payment (in a modest, two bedroom $84,000 home). He just applied for whatever assistance he can get.
And believe it or not, he, just like me, is white, and trying to get by in a country that seems to have forgotten about him.
So when you say "you work", congratulations.
I'm glad you sully the reputation of my grandpa by assuming he didn't.


Active Member
Tax info for ya Clemson.
According to the Office of Tax Analysis, the U.S. individual income tax is "highly progressive," with a small group of higher-income taxpayers paying most of the individual income taxes each year.
In 2002, the latest year of available data, the top 5 percent of taxpayers paid more than one-half (53.8 percent) of all individual income taxes, but reported roughly one-third (30.6 percent) of income.
The top 1 percent of taxpayers paid 33.7 percent of all individual income taxes in 2002. This group of taxpayers has paid more than 30 percent of individual income taxes since 1995. Moreover, since 1990 this group’s tax share has grown faster than their income share.
Taxpayers who rank in the top 50 percent of taxpayers by income pay virtually all individual income taxes. In all years since 1990, taxpayers in this group have paid over 94 percent of all individual income taxes. In 2000, 2001, and 2002, this group paid over 96 percent of the total.
Treasury Department analysts credit President Bush's tax cuts with shifting a larger share of the individual income taxes paid to higher income taxpayers. In 2005, says the Treasury, when most of the tax cut provisions are fully in effect (e.g., lower tax rates, the $1,000 child credit, marriage penalty relief), the projected tax share for lower-income taxpayers will fall, while the tax share for higher-income taxpayers will rise.
The US would collapse if these people took their money and left to avoid paying Uncle Sam.
You are misinformed, sir.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TheClemsonKid
My question to you however, is why are you so opposed to helping those who are less fortunate?

its not that they are opposed helping others out, its when half of your pay is taken away from you.
your average person is taxed 20-30%. imagine being taxed 50%+. literally you would take home half your pay. what would your motivation be to arm yourself with the knowledge / skill /desire to become a high power professional when half of your money is taken away from you.
its known that the democrats tend to appeal more to the middle and lower class and republicans appeal more to the upper-mid and upper class.
democrats tend to be modern day "robin hoods"- they steal from the rich and give to the poor. only problem is that when they steal, they are also stealing the desire to become who they are stealing from.
the bottom line is this: republicans are opportunity driven and democrats are results driven. republicans do not believe in over-taxing the rich so that more people would desire to become the rich. democrats are more about appeasing and giving handouts. just take a look at cuba if you need further explanation.
the average person complains about how much money the oil companies are making. "tax the oil companies, tax the rich", etc. do a little research and look at into how much they are being taxed, which of course, is passed onto you and i, the consumers. so really, if you think about it, the less the oil companies are taxed, the less we'll pay.
but, to appease and lock in votes, the democrats push the "tax the rich and tax the corporations" bit.
take a look at obama's dnc acceptance speach. he said that he's looking at making tax cuts for 95% of hard working americans. that means the richest 5% of the nation, and/or businesses, will have to foot the rest.
even though i would benefit from obamas tax cuts, if you will, they are wrong and i want no part of them.
and for the record, I grew up in SC for my first 24 years, until I did graduate school at Ohio State and subsequently got a job here.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TheClemsonKid
So when you say "you work", congratulations.
How else would you explain someone that goes from a job making >$50,000, to one over $250,000 in their lifetime? Is that not work? So let's say's it's just blind luck that got the nice job (whatever skill sets they make have, tossed out the window), is it your right to take their money away and give to back to those who aren't?
Alright, so let's say you make $1,000,000 a year, and you have to give half of it away. You are still making $500,000 after taxes. Is it "fair"? Not exactly. But you are still making a half million dollars a year.
At what point is enough money, enough money?
And assuming you DID take away the burden of the upper 5% paying the most taxes, and passing that on to everyone else... who exactly would be able to afford buy the products and services that probably made you your million dollars a year in the first place?
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
How else would you explain someone that goes from a job making >$50,000, to one over $250,000 in their lifetime? Is that not work? So let's say's it's just blind luck that got the nice job (whatever skill sets they make have, tossed out the window), is it your right to take their money away and give to back to those who aren't?
Is it my right? Not at all. Should it be the governments right? I think so. How else do you expect a country like ours to exist if you didn't have those people paying the majority of the tax burden.
I hope you like roads, parks, museums, schools and the likewise. I know I do.
How in the world do you expect to have the money to run a country if you don't tax those who are making the most?


Active Member
Originally Posted by TheClemsonKid
Alright, so let's say you make $1,000,000 a year, and you have to give half of it away. You are still making $500,000 after taxes. Is it "fair"? Not exactly. But you are still making a half million dollars a year.
At what point is enough money, enough money?
And assuming you DID take away the burden of the upper 5% paying the most taxes, and passing that on to everyone else... who exactly would be able to afford buy the products and services that probably made you your million dollars a year in the first place?
just answer this... say YOU make $1m a year, and they end up taking half or more of your money. how would you feel ?


Active Member
Originally Posted by TheClemsonKid
At what point is enough money, enough money?
Whenever the person making that much says so. Who the heck are you, or any government to say 'you've made too much?' You probably ought to look at what some of the most wealthy have donate back to society (Bill Gates and Warren Buffet).


Active Member
Originally Posted by TheClemsonKid
Is it my right? Not at all. Should it be the governments right? I think so. How else do you expect a country like ours to exist if you didn't have those people paying the majority of the tax burden.
I hope you like roads, parks, museums, schools and the likewise. I know I do.
How in the world do you expect to have the money to run a country if you don't tax those who are making the most?
I never said they shouldn't be taxed or anything like that. It's just seemed like you had some perception that nearly everyone that makes over $250,000 is born into or something, and hasn't (like the majority of those who make over $250,000) worked their *** for it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TheClemsonKid
Is it my right? Not at all. Should it be the governments right? I think so. How else do you expect a country like ours to exist if you didn't have those people paying the majority of the tax burden.
I hope you like roads, parks, museums, schools and the likewise. I know I do.
How in the world do you expect to have the money to run a country if you don't tax those who are making the most?
Well, we could start by not wasting so much money on stupid federal spending programs...
Clemson, you are drifting away from your original post. You started by saying the rich should pay a "little more".


Active Member

Originally Posted by TheClemsonKid
Alright, so let's say you make $1,000,000 a year, and you have to give half of it away. You are still making $500,000 after taxes. Is it "fair"? Not exactly. But you are still making a half million dollars a year.
At what point is enough money, enough money?
And assuming you DID take away the burden of the upper 5% paying the most taxes, and passing that on to everyone else... who exactly would be able to afford buy the products and services that probably made you your million dollars a year in the first place?
We are a capatalist country. Socialism does not work. (if you argue that it does you have not consulted the citizens of that country)
There are people that live on the streets and eat out of trash cans. Many of them are perfectly able to work. You
should give them half your
earnings because it is obviously possible
to live on zero income.
Right now you have the opportunity to become a millionaire or billionaire in this country. Take that away and ambitious people move someplace else.
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
I never said they shouldn't be taxed or anything like that. It's just seemed like you had some perception that nearly everyone that makes over $250,000 is born into or something, and hasn't (like the majority of those who make over $250,000) worked their *** for it.
No, no. Not at all. If that was how it came across, then I want to clear that up.
I am making over $50,000 a year right now, and if everything goes right, I could be over that $250,000 a year by the time it's all said and done. And if I do get there, it will be because I busted my butt to get it done.
By no means do I want to tax the rich because they were born into it, and I am jealous.
In fact, my grandmother died a little under a month ago, and her entire estate is worth a little over six million bucks. She got a two million dollar exemption into a GST, and the remaining four million is being taxed at 46%
As her grandson, I will be getting a third of the half that goes to the three grandkids.
You think I'm happy about getting $300k instead of $600k? Of course I'm not.
But the tax burden has to some FROM SOMEWHERE.
So I guess my question remains, if you don't want to take it from the rich, where is the money going to come from?