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I think you have this image of people just sitting around, waiting for the welfare check, so they can go out and buy some more drugs and booze, all on the "working mans" (aka taxpayer's) coin.
Did it ever occur to you people, that most of the country is struggling right now. The majority of the people on welfare are hard working people.
actually the majority arent hard working people. there are hardworking people on welfare but the majority are actually the shiftless layabouts waiting for the next check.
do you have any cklue how many of these "hard working people" on welfare do their grocery shopping at convinience stores? they could get 2x as much for the same amount of money but they dont care its free money.
they buy 80$ worth of junk food then buy ciggarettes and booze with the cash portion of the food stamp allotment. thats right our taxes are buying lazy alcoholics their beer and ciggarettes.
I have actually heard "I cant get a job, that will cut into how much i get for food stamps." also "here put this on my Ghetto gold card" they know they are raping the system and love it.
or these people go into a convinience store and buy $30 worth of instant scratch tickets then buy groceries with their food stamps. if they werent blowing their f'ing money on crap they wouldnt need assistance.
I'm a lower middle class american i work hard for my money and hate these low life freeloaders on our economy.
yes there are hardworking people trying to get off relying on the system but in truth these are the exception NOT the majority.