Rich people and biggots always vote Republican

salty blues

Active Member
Originally Posted by TheClemsonKid
and for the record, I grew up in SC for my first 24 years, until I did graduate school at Ohio State and subsequently got a job here.
Just imagine how much more you could have acheived had you been a rich, privileged Republican.


Active Member
So is Obama and the rest of the bigots from his church voting for McCain? I assume Obama hasn't changed his racist views after paling around with Wright for 20 some odd years.
How bout the nation of Islam and the Black Panther Party?


Active Member
Originally Posted by TheClemsonKid
Well for one, it's Obama's FORMER pastor (which magically all Republicans seem to forget), and secondly, what does that have to do with Obama personally?
Did I miss the part where Wright will be calling the shots if Obama is elected president?
McCain has had some questionable "friends" in his past too, but I'm certainly not going to hold that against the man.
I personally find McCain and extremely honorable and decent man. I just disagree on some policy issues. But not for a second would I use the "McCains former pastor" thing if he were the one in Obama's shoes.
John McCain and Barack Obama are each their own man. And that is exactly how I see them.
You're judging every Republican and McCain supporter based on a few nuts in the crowd... I'm just pointing out the faulty logic associated with that, and this entire thread...

el guapo

Active Member
I have been called a lot of things but never "rich" or a "biggot" ....
I guess I can add them to the list now .

al mc

Active Member
I believe the OP has enjoyed yelling 'fire' in a crowded theatre as he has not posted in the last couple hours.


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
First off, taxing people 50% of their income isn't "a little bit more", now is it. Let's not shrug off the sacrifices those that work hard in this country make to provide for the way of life many of us enjoy who make and pay far less...
Second, bringing the Bible and Jesus into is a contradiction to your premise. If you read the Bible and study the early church you'll quickly find Jesus and later the early Christians didn't sit around and wait for Government handouts. They provided for the poor and each other themselves. Also, and this will shock you, those "bigoted and greedy" Republican church goers you talk bad about give more money to charity than the folks that claim to care. Feel free to look at how little Senator Obama and Biden gave to charity, for example.
Third, you need to brush up on your history. The Republican Party championed the Civil Right's Acts... Leaning on racism? That's just silly and uninformed.
Fourth, and quite possibly most importantly, our Nation was founded as a free society. Our Nation is the greatest in the world because of Capitalism, not despite it. Taxing the wealthy into oblivion to redistribute wealth is a form of Communism. Again, do a bit of studying about how well that worked out for the poor. Do you have any idea how many poor people starved in the Ukraine and Caucuses during the 1930's? Redistribution of wealth does not work. The "poor" in our Nation have access to health care, shelters, food... How many Nations can say that? Have you seen the way the poor live in other countries?
My guess is this thread will have to be locked down shortly. I cannot imagine many people posting constructively in the face of your offensive post.
Seriously that initial post has to be the worst I have ever read. I don't know if I should be laughing or offended. I guess I will just laugh at the OP.


Active Member
Originally Posted by EL GUAPO
I have been called a lot of things but never "rich" or a "biggot" ....
I guess I can add them to the list now .
yup... Between my wife and me we make about 75 a year, I am by know means rich or powerfull. I goto Mickey D's and a Double cost me .99 just like everyone else..I am not a racist either... and I vote republican 99% of the time... I think you might want to dig deeper.. Since you make it out to be that you are the one who thinks we republicans should give back because we are somehow growing money... Take the trust fund your getting and give 80% to charity... who cares its just money.. remember you might be making 250 a year soon.. its a drop in the bucket..


Active Member
Originally Posted by TheClemsonKid
I think you have this image of people just sitting around, waiting for the welfare check, so they can go out and buy some more drugs and booze, all on the "working mans" (aka taxpayer's) coin.
Did it ever occur to you people, that most of the country is struggling right now. The majority of the people on welfare are hard working people.
actually the majority arent hard working people. there are hardworking people on welfare but the majority are actually the shiftless layabouts waiting for the next check.
do you have any cklue how many of these "hard working people" on welfare do their grocery shopping at convinience stores? they could get 2x as much for the same amount of money but they dont care its free money.
they buy 80$ worth of junk food then buy ciggarettes and booze with the cash portion of the food stamp allotment. thats right our taxes are buying lazy alcoholics their beer and ciggarettes.
I have actually heard "I cant get a job, that will cut into how much i get for food stamps." also "here put this on my Ghetto gold card" they know they are raping the system and love it.
or these people go into a convinience store and buy $30 worth of instant scratch tickets then buy groceries with their food stamps. if they werent blowing their f'ing money on crap they wouldnt need assistance.
I'm a lower middle class american i work hard for my money and hate these low life freeloaders on our economy.
yes there are hardworking people trying to get off relying on the system but in truth these are the exception NOT the majority.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
So is Obama and the rest of the bigots from his church voting for McCain? I assume Obama hasn't changed his racist views after paling around with Wright for 20 some odd years.
How bout the nation of Islam and the Black Panther Party?
"White people have potential to become humans, they just haven't evolved yet."
"Judaism is a gutter religion."
And Obama's "former" church gave a lifetime achievement award to the same man that spoke the two above quotes.
I REALLY want to write in Ron Paul, but I want so bad for Obama not to win that I'll probably vote McCain.
P.S. the democratic party members were allies of the KKK for about 100years.


Active Member
Originally Posted by EL GUAPO
I have been called a lot of things but never "rich" or a "biggot" ....
I guess I can add them to the list now .

I don't think I would mind being called "rich". "hey you ignorant rich girl......"
I don't know, I think if I were a decent hard workng taxpayer, I could get used to it.

on a side note a friend of ours invented something really cool. They sold out here locally and reordered for QVC. They have already been approached by a company for a possible buyout. They will be millionaires. Let me tell you, these people spent their hard earned $$$, took a loan (that they could afford) on their home, borrowed from their make this work.
Its awesome. They will have earned every penney on this. Hopefully they will surround themselves with knowlegable people to invest wisely and protect their investment. THE AMERICAN way!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Al Mc
I believe the OP has enjoyed yelling 'fire' in a crowded theatre as he has not posted in the last couple hours.
Maybe he is having a change of heart after being confronted with a few facts. It is very honorable to learn and improve one's self.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lovethesea
yeah, you talked me into scratching the mercedes off of my wish list.......

After the Merc deal, we test drove some more X5s and another X3. We now have a Toyota 4Runner Sport. Dollar for dollar and option for option, it was a smarter purchase.


Wow!!! I don't know where to start, there are so many ignorant and misinformed ideas flying around on this thread it is absolutely frightning!!! First of all the thread title: Rich people and biggots always vote republican. I have been a registered democrate since I was old enough to vote. (I'm 43 now) and I have been very poor (divorced, single mom raising two toddlers and on food stamps). Now, I am not poor. Although I don't think of myself as "rich," depending on what you consider to be rich, that is financially where I am today. AND I Still vote democrat!!! Last year we PAID more in income taxes than than anyone here has mentioned earning. I am not concerned about a tax increase if Obama is elected. If I have to pay over 300K in income tax - IT MEANS I MADE A LOT OF FREAKIN' MONEY!!! And that's a good thing. When I was broke, I dreamed of the day that I would actually make enough money that I would have to pay taxes. Now I'm there, and the shameful thing is, with all the tax breaks we get, the percentage of our income that goes to taxes is less than when I got my first teaching job making 25K a year!
there are hardworking people on welfare but the majority are actually the shiftless layabouts waiting for the next check.
How many people on welfare have you actually met? I've been there, I have stood in line at Catholic Social Services waiting for free groceries. No body I ever met would choose to stand in line if they didn't absolutely have to. The segment of society that can be classified as the "working poor" is increasing at an alarming rate. I am just thankful that I made it through college when I did. If I were in the same place now that I was in 1990 when I divorced my first husband, I don't know, how does one pull themselves out of poverty in these economic times?

darthtang aw

Active Member
I am not even going to address the racist claims of the OP. What I would like to address and am shocked noe one else has is Your grandfather Clemson kid.
If he is having problems and applying for assistance, what are you and your family doing to ease his burden? Sounds to me like you guys are sitting around and waiting for the government to help him out. You grandfather is in an 85,000 dollar house? When did he buy it? How come he hasn't paid it off, my grandfathers house has been paid off for 40 years. See your examples don't fit..all of them.....and talk about stereotype. See this is the exact REASON OUR COUNTRY IS IN THE CRAPPER.
You mention people on welfare, and turn around and talk about how they are hard working and have two jobs...dude, which is it, are they on welfare on have two jobs? I have two jobs, I don't whine and complain that the government should supplement myself. I don't complain they should give me stuff so I can work one job. No, I owen my own business, started it 4 years ago, plus as a hobby (and for health insurance) I work part time at home depot. And you will never see me ask the government for squat...I will do it on my own. Why? because I have the drive and determination to. Because I have a work ethic.....dude...forget it, someone like you would never understand where someone like myself comes from and why I do not feel sorry for half the people in the current

crisis, why I disaagree with everything Obama stands for and why I disagree with much of McCain. I can understand if you have no family to help you...but come on, what percentage of the population are orphans?


Active Member
Originally Posted by oscardeuce
Actually, Mr Obama is an Arab.
I didn't know Kansas and Kenya were in Arabia??? Good to know....I always thought Kansas was part of the United State's midwest and Kenya was in Southeast Africa.....silly me....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rotarymagic
"White people have potential to become humans, they just haven't evolved yet."
"Judaism is a gutter religion."
And Obama's "former" church gave a lifetime achievement award to the same man that spoke the two above quotes.
I REALLY want to write in Ron Paul, but I want so bad for Obama not to win that I'll probably vote McCain.
P.S. the democratic party members were allies of the KKK for about 100years.
Senator Robert Byrd is an admitted former member of the Klan. Hasn't been that long ago he talked about knowing n-g-rs in his life time (He used the unedited version of the word) and the last I looked he was a member of the Democrat party. Maybe he is voting for McCain.
I haven't decided if I am voting for McCain or not. If its close (which I don't think it will be) I will but if not I will choose between writing in Ron Paul or vote Libertarian but I am not a fan of Bob Barr.


Active Member
There are Rich people and Biggots in the Democratic party. They just aren't at political rallies yelling.
Warren Buffet, is an Obama supporter. He is a pure example of how capitalism can take you from an average person in the midwest to the the richest person in the world. By the way, did you guys know that Buffet's secretary pays more in taxes than he does? This is why the richest guy in the country constantly says he should pay more in taxes....but doesn't have too....of course he donates enough that nobody complains....