Rich people and biggots always vote Republican


Active Member
Clemson look at it from my PERSPEDCTIVE. I was a Owner Op IN THE TRUCKING INDUSTRY . The people that bring everything you use in your FREAKING HOUSES. EVERYTHING YOU USE AT ONE POINT IN YOUR HOUSE EVERYONE AT ONE PIOINT SOMEPLACE AT ONE TIME WAS HAULED VIA TRUCK INCLUIDING WATER AND ELECTRIC. How do you think the pipes and wires got to your local Home Depot or Lowes. Every dollar of Revenue I made was taxed as INCOME yes I could write off my fuel insurance and other costs however every year I had to write a check in the Clinton years for around 30 grand a year and I was only making 180grand a year gross. Btw this did not include my fuel road use or Highway Tonaage Taxes for some states. MY taxes alone were 55 grand a year close to 30% of my money when out the door as taxes. I did the math and underr Obama with rates and Surcharges My taxes would be 135 grand and my revenue would have been 260 grand for the last year. Now with fuel what it is and based on my avarage MPG for the time I would have NETTED AFTER ALL TAXES FUEL AND OTHER EXPENSES LIKE MAINATNCE 10 GRAND TO FEED MY FAMILY. Under Clinton I was clearing 40-60 grand a year. HOW IS PAYING ANOTHER 80 GRAND A YEAR IN TAXES GOING TO HELP IF IT ENDS UP BANKRUPTING THE ONE INDUSTRY THAT KEEPS THIS NATION RUNNING. Without the trucking induustry within one week all major cities would be out of FOOD GAS AND OTHER NEEDED SUPPLIES. Think about that when you are voting.


Originally Posted by mandarine65
AND I Still vote democrat!!!
this is the problem. Nobody should vote democrat or rebublican. You should vote for the PERSON that will serve you best. Sticking to one party line is the downfall of our government.



yawn, and the republicans are the ones with prejudice?
What prejudiced comment are you referring to?
Me too. Seems like she thinks she is the only one that ever got food stamps.
What did I say in my post that gives you that impression?
My dad paid $165,000 in taxes last year... Why pay more? Paid more in taxes than everyone aside from possibly the owner of a mcdonald's makes combined each year.

What percentage was that? It was most likely lower than what someone earning 25k - 50k a year pays. If his percentage was higher, then he probably needs to get a better CPA (or stop using HR Block)! My real estate investment business is an SCorp - which means the money I make when I sell a house is NOT taxed (until I take it out and spend it, which I usually don't). Plus, I get to take so many deductions I end up hardly paying a dime on the little money I do take, even though I am in a higher tax bracket than someone earning 25K. My husband is a cardiologist and a partner/investor in two medical companies. They have so many tax shelters that our tax liability ends up being minimal. All of our other investments (personal properties, 401k's, stocks and securities) give us additional relief. Yes, we are in a higher tax bracket with an income of over 800k, but with a good tax planner, our percentage ends up being lower.
And seriously, if I have to pay 300k in taxes, how am I sufferring? What, I can only afford to have the cleaning lady come once a month instead of once a week now?



this is the problem. Nobody should vote democrat or rebublican. You should vote for the PERSON that will serve you best. Sticking to one party line is the downfall of our government.
I would vote for a republican if they were pro-choice, supported gun control, were less interested in war and military spending etc. My beliefs and the things that are important to me are the same things that the democratic party believes in. THAT'S why I stick to party lines - they ARE the people that will serve me best. Even if they do raise my taxes.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mandarine65
I would vote for a republican if they were pro-choice, supported gun control, were less interested in war and military spending etc. My beliefs and the things that are important to me are the same things that the democratic party believes in. THAT'S why I stick to party lines - they ARE the people that will serve me best. Even if they do raise my taxes.
Sorry, but McCain is the closest we will come to that.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mandarine65
What percentage was that? It was most likely lower than what someone earning 25k - 50k a year pays. If his percentage was higher, then he probably needs to get a better CPA (or stop using HR Block)! My real estate investment business is an SCorp - which means the money I make when I sell a house is NOT taxed (until I take it out and spend it, which I usually don't). Plus, I get to take so many deductions I end up hardly paying a dime on the little money I do take, even though I am in a higher tax bracket than someone earning 25K. My husband is a cardiologist and a partner/investor in two medical companies. They have so many tax shelters that our tax liability ends up being minimal. All of our other investments (personal properties, 401k's, stocks and securities) give us additional relief. Yes, we are in a higher tax bracket with an income of over 800k, but with a good tax planner, our percentage ends up being lower.
And seriously, if I have to pay 300k in taxes, how am I sufferring? What, I can only afford to have the cleaning lady come once a month instead of once a week now?
All you have to do is read the title.
As for your business, there are different ways to earn money. If you do an apples to apples comparison. Say Me who makes under 40 a year, and the engineer who makes 500,000 grand a year the same way as a wage earner, his % is significantly more than mine. (I've seen his tax returns)
There is a big problem with your, and Buffets argument. Most of these protections that you and him use are not just for the "rich" if I was earning money the same way, then those same "loopholes" would be available to me as well. I for various reasons, don't make money the same way you make money.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mandarine65
And seriously, if I have to pay 300k in taxes, how am I sufferring? What, I can only afford to have the cleaning lady come once a month instead of once a week now?
Was that sarcasm, or snotty, rich, smug Democrat talk?



All you have to do is read the title.
Thank you for the clarification. Your post followed mine and I wasn't sure what you referring to or who your reply was for.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mandarine65
Thank you for the clarification. Your post followed mine and I wasn't sure what you referring to or who your reply was for.
Even if I don't agree with their politics, my hat is always off to someone who despite everything has succeeded financially. (but only off the backs of the poor peasants.)


Active Member
Originally Posted by mandarine65
I would vote for a republican if they were pro-choice, supported gun control, were less interested in war and military spending etc. My beliefs and the things that are important to me are the same things that the democratic party believes in. THAT'S why I stick to party lines - they ARE the people that will serve me best. Even if they do raise my taxes.
So, basically, you want to abolish the 10th and 2nd Amendments, while ignoring the Constitutional roll (defense) of the Government?


Active Member
I don't think the people who have their hands out or the limousine liberals who want to sooth their conscience have a grasp on the reality of things. A tax cut doesn't help you out if you lose your job.
Economic reality dictates a cut in government spending before anything else happens. Obama is a big government kinda guy. His answer to every problem is a new government program. That isn't going to work.
At least with McCain you know he has a record of opposing stupid spending programs. He is too big government for my taste but at least he has the instincts to look at spending cuts first.



Was that sarcasm, or snotty, rich, smug Democrat talk?
Definitely sarcasm. I don't think anybody who has to pay 300k in taxes has anything to complain about. I'd rather pay that and live in my 3400 sqft lakefront home (boohoo if I have to clean it myself) than pay $6k and live in the tiny 900 sqft apartment that I lived in while I worked two jobs and raised two children while putting myself through college. :)



Even if I don't agree with their politics, my hat is always off to someone who despite everything has succeeded financially. (but only off the backs of the poor peasants.)
I'm not sure what you're saying here. Can you explain?


Active Member
Originally Posted by mandarine65
I'm not sure what you're saying here. Can you explain?
The in (parenthesis) statement was a joke. In reference to what I percieve as a concept of the liberal mindset, and has been expressed in some of theclemsonkid's previous posts. And imo held by obama when he says stuff like "economic fairness." That is, in our flawed capitalist system, rich people make their money off the backs of the poor, and it is the government's job to redistribute that wealth.


Active Member
I can remember treating a kid on welfare. I told mom the kid needed some benadryl for something. She put down her cell phone to tell me they did not have money for benadryl. She needed an Rx so "the card" would pay for it. Her nails were fancy and she had cigarettes in her purse. She just did not want to change her lifestyle to buy her kids medicine.
I'd lie, cheat, steal, to get my kids meds or whatever they needed to stay healthy. I'd give up ANYTHING I have for them.
Then again I'm a rich biggoted republican.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mandarine65
What prejudiced comment are you referring to?
What did I say in my post that gives you that impression?
What percentage was that? It was most likely lower than what someone earning 25k - 50k a year pays. If his percentage was higher, then he probably needs to get a better CPA (or stop using HR Block)! My real estate investment business is an SCorp - which means the money I make when I sell a house is NOT taxed (until I take it out and spend it, which I usually don't). Plus, I get to take so many deductions I end up hardly paying a dime on the little money I do take, even though I am in a higher tax bracket than someone earning 25K. My husband is a cardiologist and a partner/investor in two medical companies. They have so many tax shelters that our tax liability ends up being minimal. All of our other investments (personal properties, 401k's, stocks and securities) give us additional relief. Yes, we are in a higher tax bracket with an income of over 800k, but with a good tax planner, our percentage ends up being lower.
And seriously, if I have to pay 300k in taxes, how am I sufferring? What, I can only afford to have the cleaning lady come once a month instead of once a week now?
My dad is a CPA and does his own taxes, yeah he knows all the tricks and he didn't pay too too much relatively, but the point still stands that he is worth more in taxes than any crew at mcdonalds is worth PERIOD. Since you're trying to come off as a humanitarian and such, are ya rolling in a hybrid or a rolls royce? I know hubby isn't.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rotarymagic
Since you're trying to come off as a humanitarian and such, are ya rolling in a hybrid or a rolls royce? I know hubby isn't.
I don't understand the point of this post. The deep earth mines, that leach tons of nasty stuff into the areas surrounding the mines, and heavy energy used in the production process to make these batteries in the hybrids, do to far more damage then the worst Hummer ever could...


Active Member
Originally Posted by jennythebugg
reefkprZ For Prez !!
+1, that's great welfare legislation... And since dems are always concerned with dumb timelines, we should give them a timeline to get off welfare or get converted to soilent green.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
I don't understand the point of this post. The deep earth mines, that leach tons of nasty stuff into the areas surrounding the mines, and heavy energy used in the production process to make these batteries in the hybrids, do to far more damage then the worst Hummer ever could...

Come on the Pb Hg Li Cu aren't that bad.

Add millions of Hg containing "green" light bulbs.
Better watch the autism rates.