Rich people and biggots always vote Republican

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by mandarine65
Wow!!! I don't know where to start, there are so many ignorant and misinformed ideas flying around on this thread it is absolutely frightning!!! First of all the thread title: Rich people and biggots always vote republican. I have been a registered democrate since I was old enough to vote. (I'm 43 now) and I have been very poor (divorced, single mom raising two toddlers and on food stamps). Now, I am not poor. Although I don't think of myself as "rich," depending on what you consider to be rich, that is financially where I am today. AND I Still vote democrat!!! Last year we PAID more in income taxes than than anyone here has mentioned earning. I am not concerned about a tax increase if Obama is elected. If I have to pay over 300K in income tax - IT MEANS I MADE A LOT OF FREAKIN' MONEY!!! And that's a good thing. When I was broke, I dreamed of the day that I would actually make enough money that I would have to pay taxes. Now I'm there, and the shameful thing is, with all the tax breaks we get, the percentage of our income that goes to taxes is less than when I got my first teaching job making 25K a year!
How many people on welfare have you actually met? I've been there, I have stood in line at Catholic Social Services waiting for free groceries. No body I ever met would choose to stand in line if they didn't absolutely have to. The segment of society that can be classified as the "working poor" is increasing at an alarming rate. I am just thankful that I made it through college when I did. If I were in the same place now that I was in 1990 when I divorced my first husband, I don't know, how does one pull themselves out of poverty in these economic times?

Interesting, your third post is a political one....hmmmm.
define poverty...and then I will answer your question. Believe it or not I at one point made 12,000 a year for 2 years...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
define poverty...and then I will answer your question. Believe it or not I at one point made 12,000 a year for 2 years...
Me too. Seems like she thinks she is the only one that ever got food stamps.
There are plenty of lazy bums that don't have a problem standing in line for handouts. I know plenty. They also have no ambition to change their situation. They will vote for the person most likely to make it easier for them to milk the system. That is a fact.


Active Member
i think that what most people around here agree on is that its ok to get help from the govt if you REALLY NEED IT and its wrong to just pop out babies left and right or sit on your butt and not work and collect benefits. im sure most people on here know what its like to be on hard times.
on a side note i was working most days doing drywall, roofing,housecleaning ,etc and towards the end working the closing shift at burger king as well. my fiance was dying from cancer -we had 3 kids, he was paying child support on a fourth from his ex, we were receiving food stamps , some months we barely broke 1600 bucks a month and had to pay for all his meds out of pocket because he kept getting turned down for medicaid and he ** still ** voted republican
it does not matter what your station in life is you vote for who you wanna vote for


Active Member
Originally Posted by sickboy
There are Rich people and Biggots in the Democratic party. They just aren't at political rallies yelling.
Warren Buffet, is an Obama supporter. He is a pure example of how capitalism can take you from an average person in the midwest to the the richest person in the world. By the way, did you guys know that Buffet's secretary pays more in taxes than he does? This is why the richest guy in the country constantly says he should pay more in taxes....but doesn't have too....of course he donates enough that nobody complains....
Buffet will pay more taxes in one year than his secretary will in her whole life. Buffet is an unusual case in that the majority of his income come from capital gains so his effective tax rate is lower than most.
The higher tax crowd likes to throw FICA into the mix because it skews the rates towards lower incomes. The benefits and therefore the payments are capped at 94 grand a year. Trouble is FICA is not income taxes. it is payments for defined benefits.
So lets say Buffet's secretary pays 30% on what must be 150K a year. She pays 45 grand in taxes. even assuming buffet only earns a million he paid 177 grand, Cry me a river.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mandarine65
Wow!!! I don't know where to start, there are so many ignorant and misinformed ideas flying around on this thread it is absolutely frightning!!! First of all the thread title: Rich people and biggots always vote republican. I have been a registered democrate since I was old enough to vote. (I'm 43 now) and I have been very poor (divorced, single mom raising two toddlers and on food stamps). Now, I am not poor. Although I don't think of myself as "rich," depending on what you consider to be rich, that is financially where I am today. AND I Still vote democrat!!! Last year we PAID more in income taxes than than anyone here has mentioned earning. I am not concerned about a tax increase if Obama is elected. If I have to pay over 300K in income tax - IT MEANS I MADE A LOT OF FREAKIN' MONEY!!! And that's a good thing. When I was broke, I dreamed of the day that I would actually make enough money that I would have to pay taxes. Now I'm there, and the shameful thing is, with all the tax breaks we get, the percentage of our income that goes to taxes is less than when I got my first teaching job making 25K a year!
How many people on welfare have you actually met? I've been there, I have stood in line at Catholic Social Services waiting for free groceries. No body I ever met would choose to stand in line if they didn't absolutely have to. The segment of society that can be classified as the "working poor" is increasing at an alarming rate. I am just thankful that I made it through college when I did. If I were in the same place now that I was in 1990 when I divorced my first husband, I don't know, how does one pull themselves out of poverty in these economic times?
My dad paid $165,000 in taxes last year... Why pay more? Paid more in taxes than everyone aside from possibly the owner of a mcdonald's makes combined each year.


Active Member

Originally Posted by mandarine65
Wow!!! I don't know where to start, there are so many ignorant and misinformed ideas flying around on this thread it is absolutely frightning!!! First of all the thread title: Rich people and biggots always vote republican. I have been a registered democrate since I was old enough to vote. (I'm 43 now) and I have been very poor (divorced, single mom raising two toddlers and on food stamps). Now, I am not poor. Although I don't think of myself as "rich," depending on what you consider to be rich, that is financially where I am today. AND I Still vote democrat!!! Last year we PAID more in income taxes than than anyone here has mentioned earning. I am not concerned about a tax increase if Obama is elected. If I have to pay over 300K in income tax - IT MEANS I MADE A LOT OF FREAKIN' MONEY!!! And that's a good thing. When I was broke, I dreamed of the day that I would actually make enough money that I would have to pay taxes. Now I'm there, and the shameful thing is, with all the tax breaks we get, the percentage of our income that goes to taxes is less than when I got my first teaching job making 25K a year!
How many people on welfare have you actually met? I've been there, I have stood in line at Catholic Social Services waiting for free groceries. No body I ever met would choose to stand in line if they didn't absolutely have to. The segment of society that can be classified as the "working poor" is increasing at an alarming rate. I am just thankful that I made it through college when I did. If I were in the same place now that I was in 1990 when I divorced my first husband, I don't know, how does one pull themselves out of poverty in these economic times?


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Buffet will pay more taxes in one year than his secretary will in her whole life. Buffet is an unusual case in that the majority of his income come from capital gains so his effective tax rate is lower than most.
The higher tax crowd likes to throw FICA into the mix because it skews the rates towards lower incomes. The benefits and therefore the payments are capped at 94 grand a year. Trouble is FICA is not income taxes. it is payments for defined benefits.
So lets say Buffet's secretary pays 30% on what must be 150K a year. She pays 45 grand in taxes. even assuming buffet only earns a million he paid 177 grand, Cry me a river.
Last I knew, Berkshire only paid him 100k/year, the rest is BH's. Every now and then he cashes out some of his shares (like when he paid for Omaha Public Schools textbooks), but not often.
This backs up a major theme I've had throughout the political threads I've participated in: The "rich" people who are serious about making money and being "business owners" have their money tied up to make more money and they don't get taxed at the personal income rate. This is in opposition to some celebrity/hi lton/CEO's, etc., who just get paid a lot to do nothing. It doesn't matter what the tax rates are, business people (those who do create a trickle down) don't get taxed as much unless they are greedy and need insane mansions in every city. But those celebrity/athletes should get taxed more b/c they provide nothing. (Note: I've mentioned several times that I'm in favor of changing the brackets upward so that someone who make 250K is not taxed as "rich")

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by jennythebugg
i think that what most people around here agree on is that its ok to get help from the govt if you REALLY NEED IT and its wrong to just pop out babies left and right or sit on your butt and not work and collect benefits. im sure most people on here know what its like to be on hard times.
on a side note i was working most days doing drywall, roofing,housecleaning ,etc and towards the end working the closing shift at burger king as well. my fiance was dying from cancer -we had 3 kids, he was paying child support on a fourth from his ex, we were receiving food stamps , some months we barely broke 1600 bucks a month and had to pay for all his meds out of pocket because he kept getting turned down for medicaid and he ** still ** voted republican
it does not matter what your station in life is you vote for who you wanna vote for
Jen, I was wondering when you would bring this up. Your situation is/was the quintessential situation everyone here talks about. I miss Tobin. Knowing what you guys were going through and seeing him still stick to his values and beliefs on political aspects, even when the opposite of what he believed would have really helped make things easier for you guys, is rare in this day and age. Tobin was great man, and you are a great woman for going through all of that with him. Watching this current election, I often wonder what he would have been saying....Tobin was the example of voting your beliefs, not your lot in life.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mandarine65
How many people on welfare have you actually met?
before you go thinking I am some one that has always had a middle class life you should know I was homeless for several years. I spent a couple years wandering the country homeless . I have seen first hand the real poverty, homelessness, grit and grime of survival. I have eaten out of dumpsters and slept in those same dumpsters to keep warm. I have pretty much seen it all, people buying listerine to get drunk because its cheaper than real alcohol, or they are banned from all the local stores that sell alcohol.
I dragged my ass out of the dirt and busted it to get where I am now. ANYONE can do the same. but more are satisfied to blame the rest of the world for how crappy their lives are. blaming their problems on everyone and anyone but their own laziness.
as for how many people on welfare have I met I meet about about 75-100 a day. go stand in a convinience store for 2 hours and watch how often the EBT card comes out and what they are buying.
I'm sure in those social service lines you met the people that welfare is suppossed to be for, the ones that need it and use it but would preffer not to.
It would simplify things if a few simple rules were in place.
like: if your on any welfare programs it should be illeagle to purchase any of the following, energy drinks, lottery tickets, ciggarettes, and alcohol at all. if some one else is paying for you to live you should be only getting the nescesities not the extras. I dont want to be paying for some one to gamble if you can afford to buy cigarretes and booze you dont need my taxes in the form of foodstamps.
if unemplyed and on welfare it should be required to have confirmed contact with potential employers at least 3x a week. (submitting resumes, working with employment services would qualify) there are a ton of free employment programs. granted its not always easy to find work but it is darn easy to look for it.
it should be illeagle to get pregnant if your currently on welfare.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sickboy
I didn't know Kansas and Kenya were in Arabia??? Good to know....I always thought Kansas was part of the United State's midwest and Kenya was in Southeast Africa.....silly me....

His name and father give him claim to the title. Mr Obama can be proud of his heritage, or he can abuse it like some do.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mandarine65
How many people on welfare have you actually met?

Quite a few, you can come to work with me any time in the ED. They tend to have cell phones, nice nails and lots of bling. They also tend to be very demanding and rude patients. They come to the emergency room not for emergencies, but for colds. They aloready get free health care, yet they cannot wait for an office appointment. It's not like they have to be at a job or anything. The "welfare lifestyle" seems to be better than mine i many way.


Active Member
Originally Posted by oscardeuce
Quite a few, you can come to work with me any time in the ED. They tend to have cell phones, nice nails and lots of bling. They also tend to be very demanding and rude patients. They come to the emergency room not for emergencies, but for colds. They aloready get free health care, yet they cannot wait for an office appointment. It's not like they have to be at a job or anything. The "welfare lifestyle" seems to be better than mine i many way.
i hear you when we were trying to get tobin help with the meds and stuff half the cars in the parking lot were all chromed out and all their kids were wearing expensive clothes, i guess i didnt belong there cause my kids were in hand me downs, and my car is a beater lol


I hear you. I also worked in "public" health. I could do my job in 2 days flat. But the funding was for full time. I asked to be cut to part time, and was told that the position was for full time. I had nothing to do for 24 hours or more per week. They told me to read a magazine or balance my checkbook. That is the state of Florida for you. Tax payers money at work!!! I would say about 75 employees in the building but maybe 20 that actually work.
I was appalled and quit. Like you said, most of these patients that were supposedly destitute came rolling in in big SUV's and sport cars with 24" rims that cost more than the entire car, with cold dripping off them. They sure got one pulled over on you!
If you want to bring GOD into it. I believe it said he "helps those who help themselves".
But why should you when you don't have to work for it. I have seen some of my husbands family members manipulate the system for over 20 years. I guess it takes some a "while" to get themselves together to get out of that hole. Public assistance is a way of life for some. I think it should be only for a short time frame until you can get on your feet. The system really needs to be re-evaluated. I was that young mom once. But I pulled myself together and finished my education (which I payed for)
(White female- 100k+ year)
Originally Posted by oscardeuce
Funny most of the Hollywood elite are liberals, and they go out of their way to shoot their mouths off. Last I know they were rich. Most of them make more in a movie than I will make in a lifetime. Matt Damon showed his religious ( and age) bigotry very well.
I too work for my money. I work quite hard. I spent 12 years educating myself to save lives, yet the likes of you call me "rich" and "evil". I am not rich by Lebron standards. I am barely rich by the tax table which hits me very hard. I am still trying to pay off medical school debt, yet the gov;t wants me to pay more. You want me to pay more. Most months my time card is 180-200 hours per month. I see first hand the abuse of the system. People on disability who come to the ER for treatment because they hurt themselves lifting weights. Welfare recipients with nicer clothes, cell phone, fingernails and tattoos than I have. The gov't mandates I give free emergency care, yet I cannot even write that off my taxes.
I'm sick and tired of the whiney left and their "fairness". My dad taught me these things:
The only answers are:
Yes Sir.
No Sir
No excuse Sir
Life is not fair.
We'd have plenty of money to run the country if we were not spending it on people, and actually spending it on running the (small) gov't our Constitution provides for.
Maybe you should go back to school and learn a bit about our history and Constitution before you call me rich and a bogot.
Do you think I work for my money?
Speaking of bigots, who said "clingin to their guns and religion with antipathy towards those who are different from them."? Those, sir are the words of a bigot.
Joe Biden being a bigot:
Didn't Biden call Obama "clean" among other things. Sounds like a bigot to me. You want this guy a heartbeat away from the POTUS?
What about that intelligent bigot Kanye West and his comments about Bush not like black people?
You need more counter points to disprove your original hypothesis?
By the way, Republicans tend to donate more to charity, except when democrats raise their taxes.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TheClemsonKid
My question to you however, is why are you so opposed to helping those who are less fortunate?
I'm not, I'm just opposed to the government telling me how to help out the less fortunate. I lose about 700 dollars a month in various income taxes. That isn't counting the other taxes linked to spending. Here in Texas it is at least 8.25%. I really do wish I could spend that kind of money helping people, but instead it goes into coffers that pay bureaucrats.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sickboy
Last I knew, Berkshire only paid him 100k/year, the rest is BH's. Every now and then he cashes out some of his shares (like when he paid for Omaha Public Schools textbooks), but not often.
This backs up a major theme I've had throughout the political threads I've participated in: The "rich" people who are serious about making money and being "business owners" have their money tied up to make more money and they don't get taxed at the personal income rate. This is in opposition to some celebrity/hi lton/CEO's, etc., who just get paid a lot to do nothing. It doesn't matter what the tax rates are, business people (those who do create a trickle down) don't get taxed as much unless they are greedy and need insane mansions in every city. But those celebrity/athletes should get taxed more b/c they provide nothing. (Note: I've mentioned several times that I'm in favor of changing the brackets upward so that someone who make 250K is not taxed as "rich")

I am really not against at some point tweaking the tax system. What I oppose is class warfare. Increasing taxes on employers and then giving that money to some of the most unproductive (Generally speaking, there are some great people who fall on hard times) members of society is insane.


So not true! We don't make 250,000 each year but we can afford to buy a T.V. and watch Obama make a fool out of himself! At least us republicans arn't voting for McCain because he's young, black, and a good speaker like most of the democrats are voting for him because! Don't say that's not true because I have asked people and the best thet can come up with is he's young! I'm not saying all democrats are like that though, some know the facts but just twist up things to fool themselves!


Active Member
Originally Posted by TheClemsonKid
No, no. Not at all. If that was how it came across, then I want to clear that up.
I am making over $50,000 a year right now, and if everything goes right, I could be over that $250,000 a year by the time it's all said and done. And if I do get there, it will be because I busted my butt to get it done.
By no means do I want to tax the rich because they were born into it, and I am jealous.
In fact, my grandmother died a little under a month ago, and her entire estate is worth a little over six million bucks. She got a two million dollar exemption into a GST, and the remaining four million is being taxed at 46%
As her grandson, I will be getting a third of the half that goes to the three grandkids.
You think I'm happy about getting $300k instead of $600k? Of course I'm not.
But the tax burden has to some FROM SOMEWHERE.
So I guess my question remains, if you don't want to take it from the rich, where is the money going to come from?

Originally Posted by TheClemsonKid

Most of them have two jobs or more. Some of them, including my own grandparents, are people who have busted their butts (my grandpa, an Army vet who worked 28 years for an electric company) and now he can't afford to make a house payment (in a modest, two bedroom $84,000 home). He just applied for whatever assistance he can get.
So let me get this straight, you have a 6 figure inheritance from your grandma, your other grandpa can't make a house payment, and you are whining that republicans don't take care of poor people?
The funny thing is the biggotted rich republican uncle who owns a small business employees about under ten people and who will (if Obama gets elected watch his taxes more than double) bought his parents in law a house, his parents a house, and pays all their expenses. My biggotted republican parents live in the house, so he doesn't have to go to a nursing home. In a house 1/3 the size of the house they used to have.