I have the same lighting on my 20gal (2x65, one is 420/460nm, the other 6700/10k.)
I have a mess of softies: 3 different Zoas, some Palys, GSP, Common Star Polyps, Yellow polyps, Cloves, some red shrooms, a rhodactis (which has split twice since I got it) and these tiny little purple, colonial things I can't ID, but my LFS calls Daisies
And some LPS: Octopus (very similar to frogspawn), hammer, candycane, duncan and galaxea. (Careful w/ galaxea - they're territorial and have nasty stinging sweepers.)
All happy and growing, except the duncan. I also have a green ric that's doing ok, but not as well as the others. I have no clue why those two aren't thriving like the others are.
Also have a yellow Sun Coral, but that's non-photo so lighting doesn't much matter.