

I was wondering...I posted a thread asking if i could keep any corals with 2 65 watt pc lighting and I got a few that i could keep. xenia, mushrooms, kenya tree and a couple others. I was wondering if i could keep ricordia under those lights? it's under the mushroom part in the corals. Thanks:)


I have a group of green ricordias under my satellite dual...which is pc, and they are doing fine


I have an orange ric in my 55 with that exact light and it is doing GREAT! Growing and splitting


alright, awesome...they look really pretty online, hopefully they're as pretty in person, lol! Another question....if you have the same light, what other corals do you keep in your tanks?


Originally Posted by lietz06
alright, awesome...they look really pretty online, hopefully they're as pretty in person, lol! Another question....if you have the same light, what other corals do you keep in your tanks?
In the 54 with the satellite I have some red mushrooms, the green ricordia, cloves polyps, miscellaneous zoas, kenya tree, gorgonians,
I use to have a beautiful frogspawn, but I put it in a different tank cause I use to have horses in the 54.


Active Member
I have the same lighting on my 20gal (2x65, one is 420/460nm, the other 6700/10k.)
I have a mess of softies: 3 different Zoas, some Palys, GSP, Common Star Polyps, Yellow polyps, Cloves, some red shrooms, a rhodactis (which has split twice since I got it) and these tiny little purple, colonial things I can't ID, but my LFS calls Daisies
And some LPS: Octopus (very similar to frogspawn), hammer, candycane, duncan and galaxea. (Careful w/ galaxea - they're territorial and have nasty stinging sweepers.)
All happy and growing, except the duncan. I also have a green ric that's doing ok, but not as well as the others. I have no clue why those two aren't thriving like the others are.
Also have a yellow Sun Coral, but that's non-photo so lighting doesn't much matter.


Originally Posted by lietz06
You're tank looks good! Get a background or paint it and it'll look great:D How old is your tank? How does the copperband butterfly do? I think they are beautiful lookin fish but heard they were hard to keep. Also, is the orange coral in there a sponge?
Thanx. There is a background it's black. Tank is 9 months old. CB is gone
After the Aiptasia was gone he started on the bristle worms. This may sound crazy but I think he got a piece of bristle worm stuck in his throat and that's what did him in. He was eating mysis shrimp as well. Yes it is an orange sponge.
Thanx uneverno! He was my favorite fish