

Originally Posted by Flricordia
Just give them the best light intensity you can with the PC and feed them 1 or 2 times a week with chopped silversides, shrimp, foods like that. Make sure they have enough flow to keep their spirocysts moving a little and they are able to keep their underside cleaned, in other words don't keep them on and touching a dirty sandbed for too long. Keep your calcium/alk level up. Don't worry too much about temps, though they seem to like around 80+ the best and seem to do fine in a wide range of ph, though keeping alk up will take care of this.
I recommend using Kent's Iodine at a rate of 4-6 drops per day per 50gls. If you have a small ricordea/softy load use less.
I do not know about any other iodines on the market so if you ask all I can reply is 'I don't know'. I started using Kents back in 92 and have used it since without fail. If it ain't broke...
Some say don't dose..I have no comment on that. I do and it works wonders on my rics.
I did the leg work for you


Active Member
Okay, I would like to know how you take those beautiful pics??
Do you photograph from the top down, through the tank glass??
Mine is so tiny but I would still like to get a picture of it.
I use a Canon S5


Originally Posted by Flricordia
Just give them the best light intensity you can with the PC and feed them 1 or 2 times a week with chopped silversides, shrimp, foods like that. Make sure they have enough flow to keep their spirocysts moving a little and they are able to keep their underside cleaned, in other words don't keep them on and touching a dirty sandbed for too long. Keep your calcium/alk level up. Don't worry too much about temps, though they seem to like around 80+ the best and seem to do fine in a wide range of ph, though keeping alk up will take care of this.
I recommend using Kent's Iodine at a rate of 4-6 drops per day per 50gls. If you have a small ricordea/softy load use less.
I do not know about any other iodines on the market so if you ask all I can reply is 'I don't know'. I started using Kents back in 92 and have used it since without fail. If it ain't broke...
Some say don't dose..I have no comment on that. I do and it works wonders on my rics.
I have a question... Is iodine poisonous for fish or anything else? And why does one use iodine... I have some rics, yuma,zoos, xenia, and frogspawn...