RO water


Active Member
Havent bought an RO/DI yet.. shame on me. still useing tap water. But in my defense I have every intention of buying one ASAP. (been saying that for years though)
Your not gonna lynch me are you?


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
Havent bought an RO/DI yet... Your not gonna lynch me are you?
*Grabs reefkprZ by the scruff of his neck*
Bonebrake: "TAP WATER USER!"
*All the town folk surround reefkprZ*
Townfolk: To the guillotine with him!
*The word "guillotine" is repeated throughout the crowd of townfolk incessantly as reefkprZ is carried to his doom for his inexcusable trespass*



Active Member
TAP Water all the way!!!!!! RO water is just another way for fish stores to drain your wallets. :mad:
In my 90 I had 2 gonipora flowerpots that were thriving and growing....
I WOULD NOT, however, suggest this to a newbie. I have had fish for over 20 years, salt and fresh. It is a sense of balance in your tank that you get only with experience.
I know what is in my tap water, tons of terrible things, and some good things too. The ONE and only time I used RO water I almost lost my entire tank. That was the last time I every purchased water. I prefer my home brew, at least I know what is in it, and I know that the balance is correct, salinity ~PH and such.
That's my 2 cents



Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
TAP Water all the way!!!!!! RO water is just another way for fish stores to drain your wallets. :mad:
In my 90 I had 2 gonipora flowerpots that were thriving and growing....
I WOULD NOT, however, suggest this to a newbie. I have had fish for over 20 years, salt and fresh. It is a sense of balance in your tank that you get only with experience.
I know what is in my tap water, tons of terrible things, and some good things too. The ONE and only time I used RO water I almost lost my entire tank. That was the last time I every purchased water. I prefer my home brew, at least I know what is in it, and I know that the balance is correct, salinity ~PH and such.
That's my 2 cents

Tap water usage can be justifiable if you live in a pristine location and know the exact concentrations of the chemicals and minerals in your water. The tap water in Minnesota is probably half decent. I know there are folks in Colorado that have tap water that is 20-30 ppm for total dissolved solids and nearly all of it is calcium. However, you would be a fool or just ignorant to use Philadelphia city water as in my case. It is 200+ ppm on a TDS meter and God only knows what is in there as far as heavy metals and other pollutants.


Active Member
*Bonebrake hands Bang Guy a rope and he quickly forms the thirteen loops for the noose so fast that Bonebrake suspects Bang Guy has done this before...*


I am on a well with extremely hard sulphur water (smells like the faucet farts when you turn on the water) so when I first set up my 55gal I bought RO water from Wally-World (Wal-Mart). After doing a lot of research I did a bunch of modifications to my water supply ( :cheer: faucet doesn't fart anymore!) I installed a prefilter($70 for unit+30 for filter), water softener $600), another filter($70 for unit $14 for filter) after that and then a RO system($150 for kit w/ unit and filters) just for my new 125gal tank. I had the water tested and it is better than the water I was buying from Waldo-Mart.
While this may be a little extreme I am going by the adage of ''do it right the first time'' because I know the 125gal is only the start of things to come. Is putting a tank in every room too much? :notsure: lol So I guess my thought on this would be to get a sweet system for your house because no matter where you get your water you can never be sure that they are taking all the precautions that you would take for your investment.

P.S. we need another thing to vote for....Filtered tap water here


Active Member
I use RO as well, but I initially filled with tap water and had a terrible algea problem.