I always thought that Romaine Lettuce had its place in Marine Fish diets and i read an article the other day that reinforces it.
Romaine lettuce is a great source of Lienoic Acid which is an Omega 3 Fatty acid that is needed for proper health of fish and animals. Lienoic Acid is devoid in marine algae (nori), meaning it has none. However, nori is a great source of eicosapentaenoic acid or EPA, which is also necessary for proper health of fish and animals. EPA is not present in land plants. Even though Romaine lettuce is not available to fish in the wild that doesn't mean its "unhealthy" for them. Granted Selcon can supplement both of those Omega 3's, but why not add a little "boost" with some Romaine. I know my tangs love to rip it apart off the clip. You shouldn't cook the lettuce becasue that will remove a lot of the nutrients.
It was an interesting article so i thought i'd summarize it here. It was in this month's FAMA.
I'm not saying that Romaine should be the Staple for your fish's diet, but it is wise to supplement it along with equal parts of marine algae.
Romaine lettuce is a great source of Lienoic Acid which is an Omega 3 Fatty acid that is needed for proper health of fish and animals. Lienoic Acid is devoid in marine algae (nori), meaning it has none. However, nori is a great source of eicosapentaenoic acid or EPA, which is also necessary for proper health of fish and animals. EPA is not present in land plants. Even though Romaine lettuce is not available to fish in the wild that doesn't mean its "unhealthy" for them. Granted Selcon can supplement both of those Omega 3's, but why not add a little "boost" with some Romaine. I know my tangs love to rip it apart off the clip. You shouldn't cook the lettuce becasue that will remove a lot of the nutrients.
It was an interesting article so i thought i'd summarize it here. It was in this month's FAMA.
I'm not saying that Romaine should be the Staple for your fish's diet, but it is wise to supplement it along with equal parts of marine algae.