i'm terrible with timelining things properly - i'd forget what day it was if i didn't have 3 calendars on my desk!
LOL, as I sit at my desk (work) and look at the 3 calendars around me...then at home I have 2 on my desk...
I know they say when anem's die they get "NASTY" and emit icky stuff, but I have had that happen, and never had it affect any of my livestock....That's why I asked if you got them all together...You did say you have checked your water and it's fine though....
I would watch things carefully, I (IMO) and I am NO expert...just don't see how your anem could have caused these deaths...You took it out fairly quick, I have actually left one in longer than that (1st one) thinking it could come back
What did I know then...LOL