Royal Gramma Help


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I have a royal gramma for 3 weeks in main tank now and i just noticed its fin looks like some thing bit it should i be worried
(I cant post pics it wont stay still)


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The Royal Gramma is one and a half inches long only one fin is bit but who ever did it took a good amount but not that it cant swim


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Do you have a QT? I would put it in QT just to be safe, sometimes there can be secondary infections. It can heal.


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I dont have a qt i dont have the money im waiting for christmas if I do a freshwater dip will it get rid of any infection that might occure


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also do you know what might of bit it here is the order i put them in
First clown 3 years later fire goby 2 months later gramma and wrasse


Active Member
Ummm....Have you noticed any aggressive behavior in the fish? My bet would be the clown, but that is just a guess. As for the freshwater dip, it might be a quick fix. The royal gramma may continue to get picked on which can lead to stress which leads to secondary infections. A qt does not have to be expensive 10 gallon tank or rubbermaid tote, a heater (but since it's summer you MAY be able to maintain a stable temp the same as your DT without one), & HOB filter. Use water from the dt and let the filter cartridge soak in the dt overnight and there is a qt.


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probrem is i live in az so i need every thing for a regular tank in a qt its always bright out side and always very hot an no ive seen no agression


A fw dip will do nothing for an aggression "mark" or far as what you have in the tank, my guess would also be the clown....
what type of wrasse is it???? I have heard some wrasses nip, and definitely not the firefish....
If it starts to get an infection, the only thing you can do is QT it to treat it.....for now, try to feed it good foods soaked in vitamins like selcon


Active Member
Redness, white spots, growths. I recommend researching and looking at some of the pics in the fish disease section there are pics.


It will get worse and start to turn red.....if that does happen, it will need to be in a qt and medicated....hard to cure in a tank where it is being mistreated......
try the vitamins for now.....also, try to watch the tank.....see if you can tell who is being the may have to remove it

Royal grammas are usually pretty aggressive themselves I have learned the last 2 years....every fish is different


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I dont know if it is the clown i dont want to remove it it was my first fish ive had it for four years