Royal Gramma Help


Ok, your parameters look good, although the nitrates should be 0. 10 is not so bad though.
Test your pH in the morning, mid day and night tomorrow and see if it fluctuates.
Did you go and look through the disease section?


Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/379659/royal-gramma-help/40#post_3300767
I also find the ph test by api hard to read
LOL...I would have said 8.3

LOL, that's why you'll almost always see me say 8.3 for my pH level if I am testing at the end of the day.
Funny, I just bought a new test kit, because I thought my nitrate kit was bad. I got the API saltwater kit that comes w/ the nitrate, nitrite, ammonia and pH and the ink print on this pH card is WAY off from the ink print on the pH card that I bought about 4 months ago. I wish they'd be more consistent and accurate with this! I actually called them and complained, LOL.


Active Member
Agression it really didnt look like a disease now i just need to make sure it does not get a disease and find out who is the agressor


Active Member
Probibly It had a tank to it self for two years before i added the goby it scared the goby so much i barley saw it exept for feeding
then 2 months later i added the choris and gramma and it chased both of them around but i never saw any biting so ya your probibly right but the weird thing is the clowns huge its like 3 inches so why go for the smallest


Originally Posted by levinjac http:///forum/thread/379659/royal-gramma-help/40#post_3300780
Probibly It had a tank to it self for two years before i added the goby it scared the goby so much i barley saw it exept for feeding
then 2 months later i added the choris and gramma and it chased both of them around but i never saw any biting so ya your probibly right but the weird thing is the clowns huge its like 3 inches so why go for the smallest
Because the big bully always picks on the smallest one.
Clowns are semi-aggressive and if it had the tank to itself for that long, she's definitely the aggressor, I guarantee it. The wrasse was probably able to defend itself and it's a faster swimmer so it can get away from the clown, but the Royal Gramma is a skiddish fish by nature so the clown used that to its advantage and beat on it and made sure it knew it's place in the pecking order.
I HIGHLY recommend that you move rocks around in the tank. You might even want to bag the clown, let it float in the bag while you rearrange the tank, leave the other fish free or bag them as well. Let all the other fish out to find new homes, then release the clown back in. This way, the other fish have a chance to establish territories before the clown gets to be top fish again.


Active Member
OK but why not the gobie when they were alone im not saying i wanted it that way im happy they didnt


Originally Posted by levinjac http:///forum/thread/379659/royal-gramma-help/40#post_3300783
OK but why not the gobie when they were alone im not saying i wanted it that way im happy they didnt
The goby isn't really a threat, I guess is the best way to word it. Gobies are basically bottem dwellers while the Royal Gramma and the Clownfish are both what is considered open water swimmers. Since the Goby wasn't really invading the Clownfish's territory, it didn't view as much of a threat. I'm sure it let it know who was boss in this tank, but that's as far as it went. The Royal Gramma is a threat to the clownfish's territory and in a small tank such as yours, this can really be seen as a threat.


Active Member
and the clown fish is fine with them now they swim next to each other but its still hard to get a pic


Originally Posted by levinjac http:///forum/thread/379659/royal-gramma-help/40#post_3300837
and the clown fish is fine with them now they swim next to each other but its still hard to get a pic

The clown may have just needed to establish who was boss in the tank. IMO, you still need to move around the rocks and reaquascape the tank so that it doesn't happen again. One wrong move and the Royal Gramma is going to get beat on again.