Originally Posted by
You offer a blog as fact ? At that you offer a blog filled with ignorance and uneducated filler material .
You do understand that there have been terrorist style groups since the late 50's early 60's . You think this guys anti Regan opinions are legit? The US. actions to supply the afgani freedom fighters was not the first time western civilization played a key roll in the shaping of eastern culture .
You can't place blame on an american president for the lack of economic growth in a geographic area that has been populated for thousands of years longer than the good old U.S.A .
Let alone the fact that the middle east is one of the richest area's in the world .
You pick and choose your facts very poorly . Regan should have made sure the afganis had a solid infastructure after we helped them throw out the russians but we should haul butt out of iraq as fast as possible ?
You state we are in a recesion yet by deffinition we are not . Yet you follow some blind rats looking for cheese and claim by your standards we are in a recesion . Who bumpped you up the ladder nad gave you the athority to rewrite the rules of economics ?
Your blog her refers to standards of living . How many households in modern america have computers , internet access, big screen TV's , Cable with hundreds of channles ,Multiple video games systems (Xbox 360,PS3, Wii) How many starbucks are in your neighborhood , How many fast food establishments , How many food items in your refridgerator are prepackaged and processed ?
Standard of living . When was the last time you milked a cow/goat to get your milk, gone out to the coupe to get eggs of get chicken ? When was the last time you ate a diet of only goverment suplied comodities such as Rice and peanut butter ? When was the last time you went with out heat in the winter or AC in the summer ?
I challange you to find me countries with higher standards of living .
There are a couple, Ireland, (the are a text book example on how Reagan's economic policies work) Dubai.
I've lived in third world countries. Phil Gram was right, the whiney people saying how hard our life need their wet nurses. We have it EASY.