ryanhayes9's 75 gallon reef diary!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
howd you put this on?! COME ON!!!
just playin, cant wait to see the pics!

here they are crappy camera
in one picture you can see my diy refugium



Active Member
macroalgae, sorry...there are many different types like grape caulpera, chaetomorpha, red hawaiian...etcetc...basically helps take out certains things like nitrates and what not, be careful on some, like the grape...as it can go sexual and kill your whole tank....maybe people have it in their refuges.....i'm sure if you do a search youll see tons of info.....what are you plans for the intake refuge?? if it just is holding live rock...wouldnt it be the same as putting it in the tank on the sand somewhere, give ya more room for other rock etc? or were you planning on something else with it?


Active Member
i was going to use it as a place of safety for my pods to breed as i want a mandarin.
it has holes in the side for water flow. i was thingkin about putting chaeto in it but my tanks under 216 watts of t5. would that be too much?
so i ju8st buy some and put it in ad then trim it back when needed?


Active Member
ahhh, i see, so a little safehaven for pods so the mandarin cant get to em all
yea, i'd go with chaeto personally


Active Member
just put it in there...i have some chaeto floatin around my tank and it has 250w mh...so i wouldnt see why it couldnt handle it..quite a few people put 24/7 lighting on macros


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
yep...those red palys are sweet, got more pictures of them?

thanks, they spread like wildfire. i got 3 polyps of them and like 4 of the dark zoos above them for 7 bucks
