S. Fla coral exchange


Still planning to come today with some pieces of Torch or Hammer- I'm still unsure what they are. Probably make it a little after 2 pm Hope people are still there with some stuff to trade. Scott


Active Member
well i just wanted to take a moment and thank the few people that did show up. a lot of people that were on the email list we never heard from after saying they would show.... so it could have been more successful then it was....
at least you cant say we didnt try!


I guess it's tough to organize ie. get people there. I have a clam I need to give up and would love to trade.
Please add me to your list next time, and I'd be happy to host, In South East Pompano Beach...still pretty central. It would be great to meet people as obsessed as I am :hilarious


I'm willing to try it again but need some assurance others will show up. I want to trade next time, not just sell.
How are the hammers doing?


Hey guys... I just got back from vacation and wanted to hear some more feedback about the last meeting. Any good trades or sales??


Active Member
well it went well enough for me, i got a lot of nice hammers , a la Urodude ...thanks!
i will post pics shortly, all doing well.
he was not so happy though because nobody else showed up with corals to trade. 29gal kid showed up but looking to buy stuff. if everyone that emailed saying they would show up with what they posted pics of, did, then it would have been a cool get together. everyone else bailed without word ...


Originally Posted by saltn00b
well it went well enough for me, i got a lot of nice hammers , a la Urodude ...thanks!
i will post pics shortly, all doing well.
he was not so happy though because nobody else showed up with corals to trade. 29gal kid showed up but looking to buy stuff. if everyone that emailed saying they would show up with what they posted pics of, did, then it would have been a cool get together. everyone else bailed without word ...
Since this was the 1st there should be room for improvement. I have two toadstools frags, but they are only 2 weeks old.... I'm gonna give two more weeks just to be sure that they are 100% healthy. Let me know if you are interested so I can save at least 1 for u.


Hi guys: Are you still doing this? I'm interested in coral frag trade. I have xenia, mushrooms, ricordia, sun coral, zoos, grape coral, etc


Originally Posted by calgar
Hi guys: Are you still doing this? I'm interested in coral frag trade. I have xenia, mushrooms, ricordia, sun coral, zoos, grape coral, etc
Where do u live?
I have 2 toadstool frags to trade....


Active Member
well i now have a good variety of corals but they are young and kinda small so because i am new to it still, i am gonna sit with what i have and let them all grow for a few months, and make sure im doing things right. if people want to meet id love to come or even host again . again thats if people actually want to meet this time and trade.


saltn...I agree w/ you....its better to wait till they mature. My parents live in the same condo as you...pretty small world. LOL