Salt, Which, Why and Where?


New Member
Is Tropic Marin worth the money. I have used it and liked the results, but expensive. I am willing to pay for salt, for I feel it is very important. Does anyone have any comments on what is the best salt for the buck.
Also where is a good place to look for decent prices on qty. of salt. The net has good prices, but high shipping due to weight. I'm in Seattle/Tac. Wa.


there's a survey on here were they comparied all of them.Do a serch.If your going with corals Be carful,I think some are hard to hold or get your cal level.


Active Member
I used Instant Ocean for a year but had a hard time with my calcium levels (to low) so I switched to Oceanic and have no problems.
Alot of it is trial and error as everyones water is not the same.


Active Member
RO is RO, that is as long as the filters are up to par. I used Instant Ocean for years although I had to dose calciuim. I use nothing but locally collected NSW now but still have a bucket of I/O just in case. If yu need to supplement calcium is it cheaper to use IO and still buy calcium? Odds are until you buy calcium unless it needs to be added daily, TM may be the best route. Hoever if yur still needing to add calcium daily or every other day or so, then IO may be the best route since the calcium levels in TM are not helping.

bang guy

Originally Posted by fbm
RO water should all be the same right?
Most RO membranes only remove 70% or so of Phosphate and Silicate so the resulting water purity will depend on how much of these compounds are in the source water.
Commercial bottled RO water and the RO water from supermarket machines is often not any better than tap water.
So, I'd have to say that RO water differs a LOT depending on where you get it. I recommend you buy your own RO filter to make sure you're getting good water.


The most amazing tanks i ever seen in my life was some guys in tennessee selling algae scrubbers.. they had like 5 2000 gallon tubes just FULL of SPS frags/heads heck the had one clam I would lay money on that was over 100 pounds.. They also had a yellow tang that was bigger than a 30 gallon tank (NO JOKE) but these guys also had clac reactors and skimmers that are taller than I am.
They used.. Instant ocean! I have used IO for along time but I am about to buy a bucket of tropic marine pro.. everyone has nothing but good things to say about it.


Anyone remeber the place I am talking about? was in cleveland Tennessee.. Used to run ads in all the big fish books


do you know what sea salt sea world uses? Instant Ocean!


There's a reason why the large aquariums use Instant's the cheapest and still of somewhat high-quality! A twenty dollar difference may not seem like much when you're purchasing for a 100-gallon tank, but imagine how the dollars add up when it's thousands upon thousands of gallons. SeaWorld also doesn't have that many large coral display tanks, anyways. As I have noticed, most of their larger tanks use fake, decorative corals. Why spend the extra money if it's not necessary...SeaWorld is still a business after all and money is the bottom line, unfortunately. I'm sure if they had their choice, they too would opt for Tropic Marin, but expense-wise it's simply not feasible. I for one, switched to Tropic Marin a year ago after first using Instant Ocean and Oceanic. I couldn't be happier...


Active Member
its weird, i was a non believer..... i used to use instint ocean, the oceanic...
now reef crytals=success, my corals even looked better after one day..... fish all doing well too, i will use this as long as they make it


Active Member
The Tampa Aquarium, which is located in the port of Tampa, actually has all their water brought in from the middle of the gulf via barges. They then run it through some processing and and into their tanks. Crazy, huh?


I believe that you will find that Instant Ocean is not only good salt, but is the largest supplier of saltmix in the world.


Originally Posted by RiDoMart
Good salt for fish tanks is one thing, for corals quite another.
You are right and that is why IO marketed Reef Crystals and why I changed from IO to --.


Active Member
Why not get ocean water, ya know like from the ocean. It has perfect perimeters and even has all the little stuff the salt mixes cant touch.


Originally Posted by ninjamini
Why not get ocean water, ya know like from the ocean. It has perfect perimeters and even has all the little stuff the salt mixes cant touch.
For me, a trip to the beach on a regular basis would far out weigh the cost of my salt mix.

bang guy

Originally Posted by ninjamini
Why not get ocean water, ya know like from the ocean. It has perfect perimeters and even has all the little stuff the salt mixes cant touch.
You mean like PCB's, fertilizer runoff, unprocessed sewage, and Acid rain?