school me in shrooms

sign guy

Active Member
Why do my shrooms allways shrivel up and die. :help: They start out great and within a month they slowly disaper. If I buy elaphant ears they loose there color and strech to the ground. After three or so days they detach from the rock and die. I have tried to place them back on the rock but they still die. If I turn the rock sideways so they cant fall off they never recover :mad: How can I make the shrooms multiply, grow or heck just stay alive. I use dt's cal Iodine and purple up. I was told by my lfs that i was burnig them up,but someone on this site brought up a good point. The shrooms are under 65w pc and my lfs uses 175 mh. whats up? any help would be great.


Active Member
Originally Posted by alyssia
Are you monitoring your ph, calcium, alkalinity, and iodine?
salinity and temp too! Do you have other corals? Ever dosed copper in the tank?

sign guy

Active Member
I test for all, copper 0, trates, trites and amonia are never over 10ppm. Phos is low, temp stays @ 77, salinity 1.023 to1.028 but never flux rapidly, cal is just over 300 and and my lfs says my alk and iodine are fine. I just cant remember what # they were. Toadstool, frogspawn, red tree sponge, brown button poylps and green star poylps. But none of the coral is around the shrooms. any other stabs


Active Member
Originally Posted by sign guy
that = 300$ I am a dumb a@$
No, there is something I am missing. They are very easy to care for so something is poisoning them. Sorry, me no help.


shrooms love medium water current, stable PH and 1.023 to 1.026 salinity. very easy. they like to sit lower in the tank.


Active Member
Could the frogspawn have been stinging them? How close did you put them to the frogspwan? Just trying to rule things out.

sign guy

Active Member
the frogspawn is 12 inches away. All of my shrooms are on the sb, and all of my other corals are on the lr up in the tank. but any other ideas. I am open to all.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sign guy
the frogspawn is 12 inches away. All of my shrooms are on the sb, and all of my other corals are on the lr up in the tank. but any other ideas. I am open to all.
Guess that isn't it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sign guy
travis is your 46 a bow as well?
Yes my 46 is a bow. I love the look, but I don't like cleaning it or the distorted pics.


Active Member
Did you try moving them up a little higher? I know they like the bottom but being under mh at the lfs maybe the change is to big at one time. Maybe try starting them at the top and slowly moving them down.

sign guy

Active Member
I tend to get a headach when I look at it for more than ten minutes. but it is kinda cool when you have had a coupple shots of goldshlagger