Seaclone 100 protein skimmer


Hey guys, first off i know the seaclone isn't the best protein skimmer and i'm starting to see why before i even have it running. It seems to me like its not very secure at the clamp points for the j tube. All i see is it leaking or coming apart or is it just me and i'm doing something wrong? Also, I noticed that when connecting the sponge and the air tube to the maxijet 1200 it didn't seem to be a very tight fit and would come apart very easily. Is this just me and i'm doing something wrong? Or is this normal? I plan on setting up my 36 gallon bow front tomorrow and i'm afraid to turn it on because of the chance it might leak or something. Thanks for any input guys.


if you have the room, put a bucket or tupperware bin under it to catch water if it leaks. Hang it off the front or side (temporarily) if there's no room in the back.


As long as you have the fittings locked on the j tubes you will be fine. And as long as you have the part that connects the sponge to the PH pushed will not come out. I have had 3 seaclones...and never had one leak or come apart unless I did not have the parts locked correctly.
NOOO...they are not the best, BUT when it is all you have or can afford it does what it needs to for you...


Active Member
seaclones are more reliable than the expensive skimmers. they have their short comings but not in build or reliabilty.


Originally Posted by brent23
Hey guys, first off i know the seaclone isn't the best protein skimmer and i'm starting to see why before i even have it running. It seems to me like its not very secure at the clamp points for the j tube. All i see is it leaking or coming apart or is it just me and i'm doing something wrong? Also, I noticed that when connecting the sponge and the air tube to the maxijet 1200 it didn't seem to be a very tight fit and would come apart very easily. Is this just me and i'm doing something wrong? Or is this normal? I plan on setting up my 36 gallon bow front tomorrow and i'm afraid to turn it on because of the chance it might leak or something. Thanks for any input guys.
The connection there is a little tricky. You need to pull out and twist it on there. (Sounds weird) I would remove the foam. It will just clog and restrict air flow. Are you hanging it on or putting it in the sump? I had one on my 90 and it worked pretty good. I gave it to my sister in law for her 55 it is probably more suited for a smaller tank. They do work if you can ajust the air flow just right.


New Member
i have one for my 40 gal and so far it has does a decent job of collecting the dark brown gunk..
the only downside ive noticed is its starting to make big bubbles instead of the micro bubbles.. im not sure y.. i guess u get what u pay for..
and the jtube is tricky, u have to pull and twist so it latches on.
good luck!


Active Member
IMO they work better in the garbage. I'd go without a skimmer and do weekly water changes over plugging one of those back in... MO of course


Originally Posted by jackri
IMO they work better in the garbage. I'd go without a skimmer and do weekly water changes over plugging one of those back in... MO of course
Oh come on....they're not that bad....I have had 3....YES my new one is BETTER....BUT I would rather have the Seaclone than nothing anyday
I still run a Seaclone 100 on my 54...and it works fine...


Active Member
I have no problem with "YOU" running them... "I" will never run one again. Yes I hated mine that bad.. worked at times...........................


Thanks for the responses guys, i have it all set up now but i have not started up the seaclone because i read in the instructions not to start it up if you use water conditioners such as aquasafe which i did so i'm gonna wait at least 24 hours before starting it up. I will let you guys know how it works when i do.


Originally Posted by meowzer
You know you really don't have to run the skimmer when you first are beginning....
I did not know that lol, so i guess i won't worry about it for now. I have one quick question unrelated to the seaclone. I currently do not have a powerhead in the tank. I am only running the marineland penguin 350, is this ok being that i have live rock in the tank? I plan on getting a koralia 1 this week, but for now should the live rock be ok? Thanks guys


When I set up the 29g...I only ran my filter at soon s you have the PH put it in...water movement is a plus....


Active Member
If you have your skimmer on anytime you dose any supplement it will go haywire for awhile... so watch the cup overflowing or turn it off for awhile.
You're ok for now with no PH.. but I would definately get some water movement soon.