Seahorse Compatibility Chart

first of all I have never had seahorses, so bar my ignorance.
My engineer goby is so very much passive and a timid eater. Sure his is 7" long and about 2 years old, but seems my most peaceful tankmate.
Engineer Gobies are of course nocturnal, mostly. I have heard stories of them eating smaller fish, but mine has had no such issues.
So my question is why are they a threat level 3 or the compatibility chart?
They are NOT aggressive feeders
They are NOT fast swimmers
Are they a threat to the seahorses...or to breeding young?


My question is why would a cleaner shrimp be a threat level 3??????


Is this a typo?
Yellow Finger Gorg
(Diodogorgia nodulifera)
**Threat Level: 4
If not...why should they be kept out of Seahorse tanks? If I can keep one alive will it endanger my horses?


Active Member
""should not be kept in captive systems due to failure to thrive. ""
Because the take excessive feedings. This combines with feeding your horses frozen mysis can turn your tanks bad in no time. I keep photo-gorgians, they only require light not excess feedings.


but I see so many avatars with Horses attached to them, in this, are they really that bad?


Active Member
Nova has one, but he is an experianced keeper. Mine is a photo gorg, not the one you are talking about. I also have a 58 gal tank with a 20 or so gal sump, and over sized skimmer.
They will not harm your horses, but your system may fail from over feedings. A lot depends on your system also.
What size tank do you have?? or are you planning on.
What species of horses are you looking to keep.
bottom line is these gorgs dont always do well in home aquariums. more die them live.


I've been doing a lot of research on keeping seahorses and found another list that varies slightly :) No pics on this one, but it's still useful


That's actually the precursor to the current SH tankmates article. Will's article is a good one, but the current one is more up-to-date.
Just an FYI...


The tankmates article isn't s'posed to be a "be all, end all, set in stone" list, as there are certainly folks who try new things. However, the "threat levels" and basic compatibility standards was reviewed and in some cases thoroughly debated by several top SH keepers. It was truly a huge undertaking, and is meant to be a "living, evolving" document, and will be revised and added to as time goes on.


Well-Known Member
And it's an excellent one; I refer a lot of people to it when they ask. The only thing I wish they could change is some of the so called "0" level threat fish: the Green Mandarin may be no direct threat, but it probably won't do well in the smaller tanks people generally keep seahorses in for other reasons (food, of course.) A similar problem exists with pipefish. These are wild caught, and unless the owner is willing to check for worm eggs or cysts and de-worm the pipefish, you'll have similar problems as when you combine wild and captive raised horses in the same tank.


Perhaps in the future they can add notes about quirks that come with keeping the different types of fish with seahorses.


Active Member
There was always plans for that.... but then life got really busy. We hope to someday get that going. What you are looking at is phase one ..... phase two is just taking a long loooooong time :-( The site has some really great ideas for guides, it's the time we're lacking.