Seahorse Compatibility Chart


New Member
Least I could do.
I just hope it helps someone. When I got into this hobby there was no such list. I made many mistakes. hopefully people can learn from my success and failures.


One thing I love about this forum is the willingness of those with experience to reach out to help those new to the hobby, rather than go on and on about how difficult it is to keep seahorses..... being all standoffish like 'if you're new, don't even think of trying'. I'm new, but I think with all the great advice and support found here I have a chance of success.
Thanks again, everyone!!


Active Member
Kevin If I may, I think the threat of palythoa SP is seriously underated as they are aggressive stingers and organismal feeders I think they definatly present a serious risk to such seahorses as the dwarf seahorse. some of the larger like grandis would have no problem consuming an entire dwarf seahorse.


Active Member
I am pretty sure this was written for lrg horses only. I dont know of to many people that keep anything live with dwarfs, since even hydroids are lethal to them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TeresaQ
I am pretty sure this was written for lrg horses only. I dont know of to many people that keep anything live with dwarfs, since even hydroids are lethal to them.

I agree, but to a begginner it would present the suggestion that palythoa are no risk to any horses..... I would also suggest that palythoa are a risk to even fullsized seahorses in a small way. but I am in no way an expert.


Active Member
I have talk to both authors and they both have multiple tanks running and much sucess keeping horses.


i keep a variety of small fish with my ponys and was surprised to see some of those larger fish are pony friendly, none on that list will attack a seahorse?.. not even eels or triggerfish or lobsters?


Active Member
each fish on that chart is given a number 0-4. if you read at the top, 0 and 1 are safe, 2's are risky, 3's most keepers do not mix with horses, and 4s are a big no no. look a little closer at the list. eels and triggers are a 4.


ah ok, i did not click each picture i just saw the pics and thought, oh myyy!!
that being said, a long nose hawkfish is just fine with my ponys, he just dive bombs the cardinals at times:), but never makes actual contact with them


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
Kevin If I may, I think the threat of palythoa SP is seriously underated as they are aggressive stingers and organismal feeders I think they definatly present a serious risk to such seahorses as the dwarf seahorse. some of the larger like grandis would have no problem consuming an entire dwarf seahorse.
I don't consider palythoa to be a risk to larger horses. The guide above is directed at med-large horses and not dwarfs. I have Barnacle Blennies in a tank that is covered in palythoa and zoas. They literally sit with their heads out of their holes all day long with a palythoa skirt sticking in their eyeball. If they haven't sustained any injury after all this time I feel safe in saying seahorses are safe in a tank with them.


thank you very much for the chart. i wanted to know which gobies i would be able to add and thanks to the list i think i will go with the small court jester or clown goby


Thanks! This helped me! You'll see my thread up there right now asking about the compatabillity between seahorses and the occelaris clown.


New Member
Glad to see so many people found it helpful.
It was written for medium and large seahorses and not intended to be a guide for dwarf seahorses.
The list is also not meant to say how the different seahorse compatible fish will do when interacting with each other or corals.
IME Paly's are not a threat to seahorses. I have been keeping multiple species of palys with seahorses together for the last 7 years and never had an issue.
Really glad to see this is actually helping people. I need some more inspiration to get off my duff and finish the other articles I'm working on that are still in the "note" stage.