Shark pound.


I dont think a 300 gallon tub like that would be good either. It is round, pretty tall, and not enough room to cruise. Ud need like one really, really big pond for that type of thing, and u should get one HUGE canister filter, and a HUGe protein skimmer, plus a bunch of powerheads, STRONG ones, to move the water around. And the really big ones wont do u good in yer bsement, cuz they need to be set into the ground and cemented in, and i dont theyed like that weather all that much:D


Hey i dont think you know what your talking about
You stand corrected. It is 25" tall 69" wide 63" long That is more than large enough. You obviously have no experience with sharks. And btw its indoors. Also a standard flow rate works fine. And they donot need to be cemented in the ground i have a couple.


Active Member

Originally posted by condork12
Hey i dont think you know what your talking about
You stand corrected. It is 25" tall 69" wide 63" long That is more than large enough. You obviously have no experience with sharks. And btw its indoors. Also a standard flow rate works fine. And they donot need to be cemented in the ground i have a couple.

Hey, chandler you just got owned again!
lol!! You just wish you had one!!!


Active Member

Originally posted by condork12
Hey i dont think you know what your talking about
You stand corrected. It is 25" tall 69" wide 63" long That is more than large enough. You obviously have no experience with sharks. And btw its indoors. Also a standard flow rate works fine. And they donot need to be cemented in the ground i have a couple.

I really hope you are kidding.


I dont think that sumthing 5 feet wide and 5 feet long is that great. U can put like a bamboo shark in it. Seriously, think about it. U can fit like two rays, or two sharks, for maybe a year or two, then say buh bye. If u want some nice species, ud need a larger tank. It would be ideal for rays possibly, but I dont know about sharks. If u think its good, then fine, but maybe if it was longer and not as wide, then it would be better. And, NO, I dont want one. I dont find rays or sharks amusing or even cool. They just sit on the bottom and look boring, except for some rays, which look cool.



Originally posted by cincyreefer
I really hope you are kidding.

Why is that? I dont respond well to know it alls. Especially when they are wrong. In this case he acted like he knew everything and was actually wrong. It doesnt matter if someone is wrong about something. But when someone acts like they know everything and are wrong, theres a problem. Especially when he insulted me.


That model u showed a pic of, made by rubbermaid, the 300 gallon model, they have a bunch at my local home improvement store, the Green Thumb. They are NOT 5 feet by 5 feet by 3 feet deep, and they certainly didnt look like they could hold a shark. Maybe a single ray, but thats pretty much it. The SIZE u specified previously could, in my opinion, possibly hold maybe some bamboo sharks or rays, but not much else, and if u wanted a tub that could hold A LOT of animals, then it is too BIG to be inside, they need to be OUTSIDE, in the GROUND. Im talking like a 1000 gallon pond. I wasnt talking about yer little 300 gallon. And I wasnt insulting u. So, u just need to chill. For Cartman101, if u wanted a good sized shark pool, u would be best off getting a longer, oval shaped tub approximately 2 feet tall, maybe 8 feet long and 4-4 1/2 feet wide. That would be ideal, in my own words, to house some cooler sharks other than bamboo sharks. Rays too. U just need to figure out a way to make usre they dont jump outta the pond thing... Thats sumthing that i dont know how to do though. Maybe netting? Glass? Watever, Im done.


YOur wrong they are 69x63x24tall!! You have absolutly no idea what your talking about. Have you ever kept sharks? That tank could easily hold a leopard or smoothhound or two, for atleast a few yearss of its life. Also these are easy to fit indoors, going threw any standard door. You need to get your sh|t straigt before you try correcting me. Bottom line you dont have any experience to back up what your saying. 1000gal would be better but it really isnt neccisary. You probably saw a smaller model at your store because these come in 50, 100, 150, and 300 gal sizes. Also i have a custom pond i made not one of these as my main tank. Lastly dont ever tell me to chill. Go punch a cop out you lying faggat.


I apologize to everyone else here. Cartman i trust you wil disregard what chandler has said. Hes a jerk and i think you know that.


If you put the pond outside HEAT is going to be a factor. I know I live south of you. I have two coral cats and a wobie in a 265. It's not big enough IMHO(I Have had them for two years). GO biggger now or pay later. I am.


the fact that you are refering to the size of a tank a leopard needs in gallons tells me you dont really know what your talking about. The size should be determined by surface area. and btw i said for a few years of its lifes not its entire life. leopards only grow a couple inches a year the first years of there life.


Active Member
Please stop giving bad advice. While round tubs are good, length is also very important. Smoothounds and Leopards both need more horizontal swimming room than those dimensions. Also, they really need more filtration than an Eheim filter, unless you are planning on keeping only 1 or 2 sharks in there... I still wouldn't even do that. But why are we arguing about this anyway... Cartman isn't actually going to set up a shark pond.


Thank u cincy. Hes just arguing cuz its that time of the month. I was referring to the 300 gallon model, and yes, I did punch a cop in the face. Its not that hard to do ya know. It isnt like cops have some magical forcefield around them that make them invulnerable to attack. They are just normal human beings with uniforms and guns.


The major thing important in keepin smoothhounds and leopards is to have enough room so they can always be moving so they obsorb the maximum amount of oxygen by not stoping the flow threw their gills so having a circle is way better than having a long narrow thing because they have to stop and spin around at each end. And yah i wouldnt recomend anything more than 1-2 sharks in it. Biofiltration for a 300gal shark tank at a flowrate of 500gph(eheim 2260) is more than enough. He may not actually get a shark pond i was just trying to help the kid out.



Originally posted by Chandler4
Thank u cincy. Hes just arguing cuz its that time of the month. I was referring to the 300 gallon model, and yes, I did punch a cop in the face. Its not that hard to do ya know. It isnt like cops have some magical forcefield around them that make them invulnerable to attack. They are just normal human beings with uniforms and guns.

Thats so funny. Im arguing because your an idiot and you need to get your facts straight. And if i remember right you contradicted me in the first place. I really think you dont know much about sharks and aquariums so i think you should learn your place.
PS-Go kill yourself:)