Should adultery be illegal?


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
yes, but you can't start down that slippery slope...
We are already in the slippery slope. The government interferes with our lives to legislate its notion of morality all the time. This issue is just not a part of it. Why should the government worry if a woman wants to sell physical services and if someone wants to pay for them? Why should the government worry if a person smokes marijuana in their home, and is not behind the wheel of a car? There are a lot of victimless crimes that are still enforced.


Swingers are in a whole different group. How many couples have you known of that got into swinging because thats what they really want to do. I have to many friends from the swinging group. 3 out of the 5 that I know have ended in divorce, WHY you ask?? because they got into it for the wrong reasons.
I have talked to all them in lenght about it and they all said the same thing the partners in the marriage got into it to save the marriage due to a cheating spouse. One woman told me she did it for her husband because she knew he was going to cheat so she would make it alright for him to do it, so she could controll the situation. Adultery either way you cut it is not right. Whether you do it as a swinger or just plain do it for selfish reasons. If you really look at why people cheat and broke down the vows to such reasons they are in essence breaking there vow of marriage which is a legal binding contract. So why shouldn't they have to pay for there actions.
What are the main vows. For better or for worse, for sickness and in health, for richer or poor. Why do people cheat, because they are falling into debt, there spouse is no longer able to take care of things because of an injury or due to health issues. Or the one I like the most that my husband used on me was I stopped catering to him and being his friend. She knew we were going thru some stuff times we had an infant that was sick and not going to live much longer so she became his friend and all he could give her in return or so he saws was himself in an adult fashion. So there ya have them all. So which of these dont fall into that legal contract of marriage vows.
This country has become such a throw away society that its getting just plain nuts. If we went back to older times when we knew each other and were invested in our children I think we would have a much better society.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
We are already in the slippery slope. The government interferes with our lives to legislate its notion of morality all the time. This issue is just not a part of it. Why should the government worry if a woman wants to sell physical services and if someone wants to pay for them? Why should the government worry if a person smokes marijuana in their home, and is not behind the wheel of a car? There are a lot of victimless crimes that are still enforced.
Further corruption of society... Marijuana was once legal in this country. It was revoked, and has a racial history behind it. As far as other drugs, they are were legal less than 100 years ago


Originally Posted by Rylan1
As far as other drugs, they are were legal less than 100 years ago
Steroids were not even controlled substances before 1992.


Active Member
adultery should be illegal only if it violates the terms of the particular marriage contract in question. i very strongly believe that the government has no business whatsoever legislating morality.


Active Member
I do think that if a person knowingly engages in a physical relationship with a married person they should be open to civil penalties and restitution. After all, divorce is expensive, having to pay for a second home is expensive, emotional trauma to the children, 2x the x-mas and b-day presents.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
And, although most people won't admit it, emotional trauma to the adults.
That would damage me, what could be worse then being betrayed by the one you love.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
That would damage me, what could be worse then being betrayed by the one you love.
I guess I fourth it.

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by REEFER545
Adultery has been part of the human nature for as long as time. It should not be illegal.
Neither should smoking marijuana. lol/
Adultery is also having inappropriate relationships outside marriage... including BEFORE you are married. Do you all feel the same way about adultery in this case?


Originally Posted by Clown Boy
Adultery is also having inappropriate relationships outside marriage... including BEFORE you are married. Do you all feel the same way about adultery in this case?
Well noted. Great point. Where would relationships today be?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
They certainly would be more stable than they usually are...
i highly doubt all relationships are unstable due to adultery.


Active Member
Clown Boy, I have to admit that I have NO IDEA what you are saying in this thread. I can't even say that I disagree because I cannot follow your logic. The below post left me scratching my head.
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
Adultery is also having inappropriate relationships outside marriage... including BEFORE you are married. Do you all feel the same way about adultery in this case?
Then there was this...
Originally Posted by Clown Boy

They usually are from mental adultery...
Where do you get these strange definitions and proclamations? I may be wrong but when I refer to adultery, I am referring to extramarital affairs or infidelity. However you seem to have a completely different idea of the term. What are you talking about when you refer to adultery?

clown boy

Active Member
Well, many people on here were basically saying that there really is nothing wrong with Adultery. I am wondering if they think the same way about "the 's' word" before marriage.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
Well, many people on here were basically saying that there really is nothing wrong with Adultery. I am wondering if they think the same way about "the 's' word" before marriage.
Are you suggesting that adultery is the same thing as premarital $ex??? If so, I think that you are way off base. Adultery destroys families, breaks an ethical and legal bond and is a generaly despicable behavior. Premarital $ex is victimless between consenting adults and a very common part of everyday life. The only people who are offended by adults having premarital $ex are the bible belt extremists.