Should adultery be illegal?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Agreed, if your marriage is built on --- and little else you are doomed to failure because there will come a time when the passion begins to dwindle.
Don't they have a lot of --- and risque programs in Europe on the tv? I bet kids in America are exposed to less and are just as inclinded to play the games and engage in --- at an age most people would consider way to young. I blame all the steriods in today seem to be rather developed...half kidding here.
oh goodness, this is reminding me of a joke...
a kid and his father were in a drug store, and there were a bunch of different sized packs of .. protection.. and the kid wasn't sure why.
the father said, well, the 7 pack is for when you're a teen and having $ex every night of the week
the 5 pack is for when you're in college and having $ex twice on friday, twice on saturday, and once on sunday.
the kid asked well, what's the 12 pack for?
the father said, sadly, that's for when you're married... january, february, march....
the spark definitely dies down, i was one of those unbelievers before we got married. if the marriage is only based on $ex, that marriage will not last. but, it sure does help to make sure there is something there before marriage though :)


Active Member
Originally Posted by TexasMetal
In Texas, you won't go to jail for killing your spouse if you do it when you catch them in the act.

really? that's sorta cool...


Active Member
As for the TV. Kids are exposed everyday to s3x on tv, but they're told not to do it. So, what do they do? They do what they're not supposed to do, because sometimes they don't even understand why they aren't supposed to.
It looks good. It sounds good. It's something new and hormones are flaring. The main reason kids end up having s3x is BOREDOM.
There aren't MORE problems, you just hear about it more because of overpopulation.
Infidelity is cheating, swingers or not. Doing it with or without each other is the same either way. It eventually leads to jealousy, bitterness, and possibly irrational behavior that not only affects the couple, but any children involved.
All that said, people shouldn't be pressured to get married, and they shouldn't be offered exclusive financial rewards for being married. A lot of the gay movement is only interested in the tax breaks, otherwise they could be happy couples regardless of marriage and suffer that much less public retaliation. People that divorce usually have an unrealistic view of marriage in the first place. Rant off.
In todays ADD world, people are offered an easy way out, and that's exactly what our culture wants with EVERY aspect of their daily life. An easy way out with little to no consequence or conviction for their actions.


Active Member
erm... there's actually a tax penalty for getting married. your single deduction amount is higher than your contribution to the married deduction.
i'd say the number one reason for gay marriage (besides the love thing) is for equal rights when it comes to medical benefits. not married? can't go on "spouses" insurance. not married? well, cannot adopt (shouldn't be able to anyway...) and have both names on the papers. not married? sorry, but your loved one is in intensive care and since we couldn't get him/her to sign off on who is allowed in and you're not a blood/legal relative you can't go in.
but, yet again, that's a tangent that should be discussed on a different thread...