Show us your babies!


These and about 1000 more. Not all from one nest. This nest was a big one, though, about 550 little swimmers.


Active Member
Originally Posted by neoreef
These and about 1000 more. Not all from one nest. This nest was a big one, though, about 550 little swimmers.

WOW that is awesome. Congratulation on such a high success rate. I wish my guys would start laying eggs , I really want to do this as well , and have started a green water reserve


That is so amazing! Wow 500+! I am hoping to make some clown babies happen in my tank as well. I have no idea how to help them along with the process. Lol. However I have just moved them from the DT to thier own new setup. I thought privacy would help. Not to mention the fact that my brittle star will eat just about anything nowadays. She just ate my chocolate chip on wednesday. And my maroon clown was eaten by the massive star about a month ago. Anyways, I'm rambling so beautiful babies neoreef! I hope to be as lucky!


There's a great book to help you get started: Clownfishes by Joyce Wilkerson. sells it, I think.
OK, so where is everyone else who breeds clowns? Where are your pix?:)


Active Member
do they hatch in the tank or do they stay in ther own tank, will they hatch on there own
can two different types breed


Originally Posted by Reef Diver
Bang guy breeds, he has some cool pics.
Lets see em Bang........ ayone have maroon or clarkii babies?????