simplified maroon clown pairing how to's


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First of all, you gotta have a big enough tank, i suggest no less than 50g to give the small fish room to run for its life.


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more than likely the small fish will get beat up. it's normal, but observe closely. if the assult gets too intense, guide it back to the box with a net.


Active Member
when i first started, there were a lot of advices. but what i really needed was a step-by-step how to's with pictures since i was totally new and i couldn't figure out simple things like, for example, a sump! since pairing and breeding clownfishes is a popular subject, i thought i would help.


Active Member
i plan to take more pictures of the new maroon couple either today or tomorrow when i get home. here are a couple of the older couple.


Active Member
be careful. your tank is smaller and the big one will attack the small fish on sight.
don't leave it out, go to work, and think it'll be fine. it won't :eek:


How do you know when the fish has not changed --- or how small does it have to before before it changes ---. I have a 3" maroon clown fish now that is dark in color and not very red. I was looking at one that was about an 1.5" that was still orange in color. Does that mean they would be oposite ---?


Active Member

Originally posted by rockcod5
How do you know when the fish has not changed --- or how small does it have to before before it changes ---. I have a 3" maroon clown fish now that is dark in color and not very red. I was looking at one that was about an 1.5" that was still orange in color. Does that mean they would be oposite ---?

you just have to try. you want to find a maroon that's as small as possible. i suggest special order from your lfs, or buy online and specify that you want a very small one. i asked my lfs to look for me and he took three tiny ones all under 1 1/2" and let me picked from them. i picked the one that was already shaking at a big maroon in the next tank.


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Originally posted by Tina
Thats a good idea snailheave!
Did the smaller clown live in that box as planned?

yes. there is something that those pictures don't really show. there is a clear cover on the opening on top. i kept it closed when i am not around, only opened it when i fed.
i think it worked as planned