Six second rant


Active Member

Originally Posted by GRabbitt
Unfortunately, the socially universal rule amongst men at the urinal will continually be violated by some. When this happens, I suggest making loud, uncomfortable noises. It may be too late for you, but you will be saving others from the same discomfort in times to come. Herein lies the effort of a true human

Just stare down at him , then smile but don't say a word .


Active Member
Or you could just talk to your own mr. peepers, if he is huge and you don't want a fight. "hello Mr. peepers, it must be nice getting some fresh air."
i hate when people take credit for something you did or told them.
or when people talk down to you when you know more about whats going on then them.....
had a bad day at work.... yummmm (rum and coke)


Active Member
Originally Posted by goober_hunter
i hate when people take credit for something you did or told them.
or when people talk down to you when you know more about whats going on then them.....
had a bad day at work.... yummmm (rum and coke)
Rum and coke.
Which Rum do you prefer? I'm a Myers guy.
I hate when people put toilet paper on the roller with the paper coming off the bottom.
Don't they realize it should allways come off the top.

darthtang aw

Active Member
I hate women that won't lift the lid when realize how much further I have to bend than the women in my house? I am 6 foot 5 for god's sake.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
I hate women that won't lift the lid when realize how much further I have to bend than the women in my house? I am 6 foot 5 for god's sake.
That is hilarious, and I'm so going to get in trouble for saying that over the next few months.


Active Member
I hate people that think they are more important than everybody else...for example..the person that asks to go ahead of you in the line at the grocery store (because they are in a bigger hurry than you are and only have a few items...but the 10 item or less lane is longer than the regular line) Or the people that park in the no parking zone "just for a quick second" so they dont have to park in a regular spot and walk to the ATM or wherever they are going....God forbid these people get an ounce of exercise.


Active Member
You know what else really grinds my gears?
People who pretend to be people they are not? Do you remember those three people who tried out for american idol. As WHITE as they come and looked like they just came off an abercrummy and fitch photoshoot? The twins and that cute and dumb blonde? Then try and fail miserably to freestyle some silly rap and beatbox? You are white, you aren't a rapper, you are wearing a 80 dollar POLO shirt and khakis seriously come on. Accept that fact and buy some john mayer
have your dinner party and go jogging in your new balance shoes, while listening to john mayer on your ipod and wash your prius.


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
I hate it when people call in to radio stations to win tickets and have no clue what the contest answer would be.
Yep, and when I try to call when I know the answer, I can never get through!
Originally Posted by shogun323
I hate when you try to tell someone about a really funny exchange on a message board and they look at you like a idiot with no life.
There is just no cool way to say to your friend, "today in this thread on"
This is so true. How do you bring up SWF in a discussion without someone giving you a funny look or comment? I love this place.
Originally Posted by crimzy

I hate when lions fans believe that they had a great draft... generally happens every year BEFORE the season starts.
These people get paid boat loads to do something that an average Joe would be so much better at. So many teams do not know how to draft at all.

I hate it when people who HAVE to pay $70-$100 on gas complain about gas prices. If they just bought a more gas friendly car, they would not be in such a bad predicament. Plus, the gas friendly cars are cheaper than the big SUV's, save the consumer SO MUCH in gas, and help the environment as well.
By the way, I love this thread.