Skimmerless Experiment Weekly Update


Corals Im trying to save from LFS
Bubble coral, Montipora Dig, Monti Cap speck that broke off while I was gluing it to live rock is starting to grow. Can't see from the pic though.


i've heard that keeping shaving brush alive and thriving is difficult. Would you disagree with this? I currently only have feather and grape caulerpa in fuge. Want more diversity...


Well druluv, I'm happy to say that I have the exact same set up as you but ony a few more fish and more coral. It's been running for almost 3 years now with "NO" Skimmer and all parameters are great and the tank is thriving. I'm definetly believe its possible, the only thing I would suggest is the water changes, it seems to help alot, I belive it replenishes the nutrients in the water. I know it calls for no water changes for the ecosystem, but I do water changes occassionally and it seems to be workin great..........


LeBoeuf- I'm not sure how difficult it is to take care of the shaving brush plant. I have five in my fuge and they are doing fine.


Kip not being a smart ass either, If the po4 is stored in the organism then it is not in the water. Every organism has some po4 stored in it. Skimming doesn't take out p04 out of organisms just the water. Cauperla does the same as a skimmer just a little bit more efficient.


Sorry about this question but what are...
grn rocks?
I really don't have a clue on this one...still a newbie obvioulsly. I have looked on the acronym page, but I still don't know.


great experiment first off this is how things change in the world
2nd off with all the technical bs and everything else being spatted back and forth in the end i think your going to succed your plan seems well thought out and with the money you got invested if things do go bad you can just go buy a skimmer
but best of luck and enjoy reading about it and learning from it


jeez get rowled up just being sarcastic and i can use ignorance as my excuse this is why i read and listen to you guys rant and rave on the subject . i am definitely in it for the knowledge and i have respect for opinions and then i research in hope that my system is as successful as all the ones i look at on here BIG PROPS TO ALL YOU GUYS
the fun part is creating and maintaining a live ecosystem that can crash and burn in no time flat. no way i could do it without reading here, books and personal experience so before you read my next sarcastic post know its with all do respect


Active Member
I just want to add that po4 does not bind micro-bubbles and a skimmer will not remove any po4 unless you are supplementing with a product that can bind the po4 and be collected in skimmate foam. Also, all the data I have seen show that some forms of macro algae are very efficient in removing nutrients. Still a balanced system will normally always lead to a more successful tank. But good luck and keep us updated!


Active Member
Yea, good point kip. A skimmer can help remove potential sources of phosphate, just as they can help control nitrate by removing ammonia before it is converted into nitrate. A skimmers main function, however, is to remove DOC's and ammonia, neither of which contains phosphorus. So I don't think you will see a big difference in po4 levels without adding something that can bind po4 such as kalk.


I haven't tried this but I am sitting here with "The Coral Reef Aquarium" and it says one way to remove phosphate from the water (phosphate that would show up on your old Salifert test kit) you can drip kalkwasser directly into the air injector of your skimmer to cause precipitation of calcium phosphate into the skimmate.


cincyreefer good point.
I really feel that caulerpa can do the same job as a protein skimmer with removing the good stuff out of the tank.