skipperdz's 55g tank picture diary


Active Member
i have some more lr in my nano that i was gonna put in today but its only about 5-6 lbs. after that im pretty much dont adding rock i think. i want my fish to swim around...when i get them


Active Member
recently added....1 bait shrimp thanks to the local marina...they are GREAT sand sifters believe it or not. i also just got my Eibli dwarf angel



Active Member
well i just got a new fish! he's a mini puffer(hawaiian blue?) cant remember, very trippy colors very laid back fella, i call him Trip. hope u like!



Looks like a Hawaiian Blue to me also. On, it is listed as not reef safe. Whats the plans for the tank.


Active Member
yea the fish store guy that some corals and clams can be damaged by them but not all coral. id get some softies if i get any coral, i have 4 vhos 2 white 2 blue. i was gonna get just a few more fish (2) then thats it, they try some corals after i research them, make sure that they wont be bothered by the puffer. i want my tank to be simple and calming, so i dont want to over do it.


Active Member
well got some new critters for my tank. i know have:
maroon clown
eibli angel
diamond goby
hawaiin blue puffer
5 hermit crabs
7 turbos
4 emerald crabs
3 peppermint shrimp
yellow cucumber



Active Member
OK guys had a pretty big algae prob from what u could see in hte previous pictures. i pulled out all the rocks and cleaned them off. got most of the algae off the back wall too, left some for the 12 turbos to eat as well. got a new fish too, fairy wrasse, girlfriend named him pink. also i rearranged the rock.
i am having trouble moving my LTA does anyone have anytips? if i move him i can add more LR lol.

heres the new guy


Active Member
what i have currently in the tank is
maroon clown
eibli angel
hawaiian blue puffer
fairy wrasse
daimond goby (somewhere havnet seen since put in tank 2 months ago)
4 emerald crabs
5 hermits
10 turbos
peppermint shrimp
2 yellow cucumbers (split)
2 cleaner clams
whats running
4 48in vhos
2 1200 maxijets
remora c protien skimmer w/maxijet 1200
and heres a better pic of the full view of tank


Active Member
i got the puffer at my local can buy them online here too. my anenome finally moved after pointing my powerhead at him for 10 minutes yesterday. woke up and he was in a new spot! means i can get more LR!
as for ls its not the sugar fine, but its the next smallest size. it is pretty fine sand. 20lbs is from here online, and the rest is from lfs
all my rock is from here too. only complaint is that they were all really large pieces. and i seeded all the purple, they dont come that color


Active Member
ok well i scraped clean the glass from all algae hair. minus the black plastic over flow box. cleaned off the rocks with toothbrushes(brand new lol) and distilled water. theres the new arrangement

looks like grumpy the blenny is playing dead lol.

finally got my nitrates below 20. explains why my anenome go so small. was huge when my nitrates were higher.
do i need my nitrates at 0 before i do soft corals or is 10 ok? i have a remora c skimmer and a refug.