Active Member
Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///forum/thread/385305/my-slow-build-55-gallon#post_3378610
Ok, I feel like I need to clarify.
I was not trying to personally attack you or make you angry by asking you why you had a Yellow Tang in your 55G tank, and believe me, if I had not asked, someone else would have. You've been on this forum long enough to have known that. Ultimately, you have a plan for this fish, and I commend you for that. He's small and fine in there for now. If you had specified from the beginning that this was not to be his permanent home, etc, the question would not have been asked. But as someone who feels strongly against having these fish in small tanks, yes, I did feel that it was necessary to at least ask, if for no other reason than to point out to others that may follow this thread that it really isn't a good idea the majority of the time.
LOL not your problem, it was mine for being sensitive..... and if you review my posts from prior years I have made the the same statements to people about tangs, knowing the general "rule" to them. He was a rescue, 3 months ago when he was doomed to die. I forgot about the "tang police" how they just will not let these things Don't commend me for my plan till it happens because as I stated before for the fish's sake, what I say and what I do are different things. People will make the comment to shut up comments but really don't have any intentions to change their setup or upgrade. I do, but if it doesn't happen by the end of the year I have a home for him lined up.
I was the one who was wrong.... Wait you guys aren't my wife.... Why am I saying " It's my fault"?
For what it's worth, you did ask for comments and mine was that a yellow tang doesn't belong in that size tank...
OK pissing-contest time, your comment was second in line behind mine and nowhere in the first post did I ask for comments.....
.... but seriously
I happen to think your rock work is really nice. Your Midas blenny is beautiful as well.
And if I would of posted pix in the first place, like I was suppose to, I KNOW this would of been your first comment
Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///forum/thread/385305/my-slow-build-55-gallon#post_3378610
Ok, I feel like I need to clarify.
I was not trying to personally attack you or make you angry by asking you why you had a Yellow Tang in your 55G tank, and believe me, if I had not asked, someone else would have. You've been on this forum long enough to have known that. Ultimately, you have a plan for this fish, and I commend you for that. He's small and fine in there for now. If you had specified from the beginning that this was not to be his permanent home, etc, the question would not have been asked. But as someone who feels strongly against having these fish in small tanks, yes, I did feel that it was necessary to at least ask, if for no other reason than to point out to others that may follow this thread that it really isn't a good idea the majority of the time.
LOL not your problem, it was mine for being sensitive..... and if you review my posts from prior years I have made the the same statements to people about tangs, knowing the general "rule" to them. He was a rescue, 3 months ago when he was doomed to die. I forgot about the "tang police" how they just will not let these things Don't commend me for my plan till it happens because as I stated before for the fish's sake, what I say and what I do are different things. People will make the comment to shut up comments but really don't have any intentions to change their setup or upgrade. I do, but if it doesn't happen by the end of the year I have a home for him lined up.
I was the one who was wrong.... Wait you guys aren't my wife.... Why am I saying " It's my fault"?

For what it's worth, you did ask for comments and mine was that a yellow tang doesn't belong in that size tank...
OK pissing-contest time, your comment was second in line behind mine and nowhere in the first post did I ask for comments.....

I happen to think your rock work is really nice. Your Midas blenny is beautiful as well.
And if I would of posted pix in the first place, like I was suppose to, I KNOW this would of been your first comment