Smallest Peppermint Shrimp from


So just got my first ever order from SWF and the Peppermint shrimp is the smallest thing i ever saw..It is a 1/4 inch long. do they always send ones this small? I put it in the tank(i did acclimate it) and who knows if its alive or dead because no one would be able to see or find it! I barely saw it in the bag they sent it in! Not really happy about this! Not to mention I think the nassiruis snails might not have made it either, none of them have moved since I put them in the tank yesterday, I couoldnt believe they ship with no water. Plus 2 of the 5 hermits no movement andthose usually don't sit still. Gonna check on them all when i get home for lunch!


Most pepermints are tiny, and so are nassarius.....the nassarius should bury into the sand
the peps don't come out in daytime ...look at night, and look in the caves.....OH...they grow fast

bang guy

Peppermint Shrimp only live a couple/few years in my experience.
Receiving a small one insures that you have a young Peppermint Cleaner that should provide you with years of enjoyment. If you received a full sized one there no way to know if it's 6 months old or three years old and ready to expire.
As stated, they do grow very fast. IMO the smaller ones are more valuable because they have more remaining life.


I know the nassarius should bury themselves thats what worries me they were all just sitting on top of sand, didnt look this morning. The peppermint is so small there is no way to see it at night let alone the day
Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/387000/smallest-peppermint-shrimp-from-swf-com#post_3401922
Most pepermints are tiny, and so are nassarius.....the nassarius should bury into the sand
the peps don't come out in daytime ...look at night, and look in the caves.....OH...they grow fast


Active Member
When I got the tiny pepps from, I put them in my sump. As far as I know, only one lived long enough to grow large enough to make the transfer to the DT. Since in the DT, he has done fine and cleaned off all the aiptasia, including the majano, that he could get to. There are few territory wars with the skunk anymore and he no longer comes to the top to eat when I go to feed him at night. I have no idea where the other one is that was placed into the sump. I would imagine it perrished a while ago and something, prolly a bristle worm, ate it.