Smoking ban in public places


Active Member
Here in Illinois they’re starting a statewide smoking ban in public places. Bars and restaurants etc that will take effect on January 1 2008. What are your views on this? Do you agree disagree? I feel that a lot of businesses will suffer from this also tax revenue.


Active Member
It has allready happened here in washington and oregon.
I was an ex smoker and i support it, even while i smoked i supported it.
It is nice to be able to go to a bar or a resturaunt and not smell it or breath it.


Active Member
im also an ex smoker but am against it. whats next no more drinking or gameing no fast food? where does it end.


I agree with it! Personally, if it were ever possible I'd like to see smoking be illegal and I also like to see parents who smoke with their kids in the car lawfully punished. I know it's ones personal choice but it's not MY personal choice(or that of an innocnet child) to inhail second hand smoke, which is worse than what the smoker even gets. I know alot of smokers have been smoking since "back in tha day" when it wasn't so stigmatize, and that it is hard to quit, but nowadays there are more non-smokers than smokers and I feel majority rules. So if people want to smoke they still can, just a little more inconviently, who knows maybe it will convience some more people to quit which is always a plus in my book. Let the back lash begin.....


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Somthing that is so damaging to your health should not be allowed in public places.


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Originally Posted by NYyankeees
I agree with it! Personally, if it were ever possible I'd like to see smoking be illegal and I also like to see parents who smoke with their kids in the car lawfully punished. I know it's ones personal choice but it's not MY personal choice(or that of an innocnet child) to inhail second hand smoke, which is worse than what the smoker even gets. I know alot of smokers have been smoking since "back in tha day" when it wasn't so stigmatize, and that it is hard to quit, but nowadays there are more non-smokers than smokers and I feel majority rules. So if people want to smoke they still can, just a little more inconviently, who knows maybe it will convience some more people to quit which is always a plus in my book. Let the back lash begin.....

alot of inocent people get killed in dui related accidents every year should we ban alchohol?


Active Member
Originally Posted by mie
Somthing that is so damaging to your health should not be allowed in public places.

that means no fast food, no alchohol, soda, no grocery chains...where does it end?


Active Member
its been banned her for 3 years... this summer they changed the law though... a bar that serves food can have an indoor smoking section after 9pm if the clientele is over 21 and the kitchen is closed...


No, but drinking under the influence IS illegal, some people just choose to disobey the law. I never said if smoking were made illegal people wouldn't still do it, people still do drugs, people steal, murder,etc.... but NO good comes from smoking(beside people making money) just like all the other things that are illegal, was just my opinion.


Originally Posted by reefreak29
alot of inocent people get killed in dui related accidents every year should we ban alchohol?

No, but driving under the influence IS illegal, some people just choose to disobey the law. I never said if smoking were made illegal people wouldn't still do it, people still do drugs, people steal, murder,etc.... but NO good comes from smoking(beside people making money) just like all the other things that are illegal, was just my opinion.


Active Member
I am also an ex smoker and I am against the ban, which I think will hurt business at local bars and restaurants. I think it'd make more sense to put owness on bars and clubs that allow smoking and have them put in better ventilation to help air movement and keep the air as clean as possible. There is nothing worse then when you go to a small bar or club and there air is thick with smoke and when you leave you stink and still stink the next morning. I think it makes more sense to give people options insteed of telling them what they can not do.
I don't think this will encourage more people to quit, I think the price per pack is more of a reason to quit and if that doesn't do it then this probably won't.
Also, I don't see smoking as being more damaging to your health then eating fast food everyday and being obese, which a large percetage of our country is.


Originally Posted by jonthefishguy
that means no fast food, no alchohol, soda, no grocery chains...where does it end?

All of these things in moderation are not damaging to your health while smoking still is.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jonthefishguy
that means no fast food, no alchohol, soda, no grocery chains...where does it end?
I think you are taking my point out of context.
Smoking Does cause you to die, Someone eating a double cheeseburger next to me is not going to give me cancer.


Active Member

Originally Posted by NYyankeees
No, but drinking under the influence IS illegal
, some people just choose to disobey the law. I never said if smoking were made illegal people wouldn't still do it, people still do drugs, people steal, murder,etc.... but NO good comes from smoking(beside people making money) just like all the other things that are illegal, was just my opinion.
drinking under the influence IS illegal??? wow i should have been arrested last night after my 4th rum and coke... LMAO


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
I am also an ex smoker and I am against the ban, which I think will hurt business at local bars and restaurants. I think it'd make more sense to put owness on bars and clubs that allow smoking and have them put in better ventilation to help air movement and keep the air as clean as possible. There is nothing worse then when you go to a small bar or club and there air is thick with smoke and when you leave you stink and still stink the next morning. I think it makes more sense to give people options insteed of telling them what they can not do.
I don't think this will encourage more people to quit, I think the price per pack is more of a reason to quit and if that doesn't do it then this probably won't.
Also, I don't see smoking as being more damaging to your health then eating fast food everyday and being obese, which a large percetage of our country is.
yes agree


Active Member
Originally Posted by jonthefishguy
that means no fast food, no alchohol, soda, no grocery chains...where does it end?
thats my point
i agree with the ban, if you need to smoke, then walk out side. its that simple. i like the ban here in florida. i get sick at the smell of smoke. makes time with the family and friends more fun.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mie
I think you are taking my point out of context.
Smoking Does cause you to die, Someone eating a double cheeseburger next to me is not going to give me cancer.
I'd be curious to know how much second hand smoke you'd have to be exposed to before you'd actually have to worry about cancer...I'd bet it'd be years and years of non stop exposure.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mie
I think you are taking my point out of context.
Smoking Does cause you to die, Someone eating a double cheeseburger next to me is not going to give me cancer.
someone drinking can cause you to die!


Originally Posted by ruaround
drinking under the influence IS illegal??? wow i should have been arrested last night after my 4th rum and coke... LMAO
Thanx Mr. Grammar, oh wait it's ThanKs.