So - Got my butt kicked today...


Active Member
By my personal trainer. It was painful. I almost threw up. My next one is tomorrow at 9am
I went to the doctor about a month ago and they asked if I wanted to be weighed... I was 347 lb's!!! Being 6'7" helps soften the blow, as taller guys are generally heavier anyway. I've since been eating much better and am now at 327 and falling.
I work at a church and there's a lady that works with me who bought 6 personal training sessions for her son, but he already cancelled his membership. We were at a staff meeting and she offered them up to all of us... about 4 people raised their hands, but when I raised mine, everyone else was like "yeah, give them to Nick." Thanks a lot guys.
Anyway, I might take a picture of myself and possibly even turn this into an official weight loss thread if enough people think it's a good idea.


Active Member
i was a certified trainer a while ago .
i never understood why trainers would kill the person the first day.
if you out of shape your body just isnt going to respond in a good way.
these hitler trainers never seem to keep thier customers.
i have seen some of these guys act like they are arnold yelling at the poor people having themdo excercises i would have a hard time doing .
some of these woman would literally start to cry .
if it isnt fun you wont go back.
find the excercises you like and stick to them .
any excercise is better than none.
remember muscle is 5 times heavier than fat so if you gain a little working out dont worry.
in the long run muscle will burn calories 24/7 after a good regimine.
treadmill only burns calories when your heart rate is up.
good luck and dont strangle thetrainer.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Nick if it was all fun you would not need a personal trainer
The exercises we like to do are the ones we do not need to be pushed to do

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by florida joe
Nick if it was all fun you would not need a personal trainer
The exercises we like to do are the ones we do not need to be pushed to do
negative ghost rider.
A lot of people have no idea what they are doing when it comes to weight loss and training. A personal trainer can show a person new ways to get in shape and have fun.
BTW you dont need the gym to lose weight. All you need to do is eat correctly. Hell I eat 6000 calories a day and Im far from fat. Am I a 7% body fat lean machine? No.
You can diet correctly lose all the weight in the world you want. OP good luck and
This is me. Current picture.



Active Member
crypt keeper;3071839 said:
negative ghost rider.
A lot of people have no idea what they are doing when it comes to weight loss and training. A personal trainer can show a person new ways to get in shape and have fun.
BTW you dont need the gym to lose weight. All you need to do is eat correctly. Hell I eat 6000 calories a day and Im far from fat. Am I a 7% body fat lean machine? No.
You can diet correctly lose all the weight in the world you want. OP good luck
I agree 100%. I hate cardio and have not done it in over 3 months. I just ate healthy and lifted weights. Dropped 25 pounds of fat in 3 months.
If you don't like to work out then I can see why a PT would be a good choice. Don't waste all of your money with this person though. Learn the exercises and begin doing the exercises on your own.


Active Member
I am 6'5" and I weigh 190 lbs. I am not a twig. I have a 46" chest and a 38" waist. I come from a very heavy family. I have 5 brothers. 1 is 6' 350 lbs, 1 is 6'3" 380 lbs. 1 is 6'3" 290 lbs-now 210 lbs. I was up to 230 lbs. I currently have 6.5% body fat. Working out will make you healthier, but not lose weight. Diet modification is the only thing that eliminates weight. I have a severely injured back that prevents me from exercise. I lost 40 lbs by eating a high-protein, high-vegtable, low carbohydrate diet. And I have returned to eating carbs, but limit the amount I eat. My blood pressure and cholesterol are both extremely low. I wish you luck, but a huge exercise routine+a low-calorie diet will probably burn you out and leave you worse off.


Active Member
there is no reason to always have a trainer.
just learn the basics and find a routine you like and will stick to.
i havnt been a trainer for 15 yrs so i am sure the newwave of things are way different.
i see the trainers now use the big rubber ball for everything.
i have heard that pilaties will kick your ass and is alot of fun in a group.
when i was at 220 lbs and 8% bodyfat all i was doing was heavy lifting and watching my diet.
wont catch me on on a treadmill ,i'd puke.
tell ya what if you get a chance to play racketball you will lose 2 lbs in 20 minutes.killer cardio and a ton of fun.untill you get hit between the cheeks with a 50 mph shot from your friend.


Active Member
I've always found this quite funny, and this isn't geared to anyone in particular, but whenever's there's a thread about size/weight, how many tall people every forum seems to have. I myself am 6'4" 235lb. But it's just interesting stat, since less then 1% of people in the world are over 6'3". Just always interesting how we seem to migrate to forums.....


Active Member
Keep up the good work. Sometimes having a little guidance from a PT is good but don't overdo it to the extent of practically dying. I started going back to the gym recently and am glad I did. I feel so much better after a good workout. I can already tell a difference. Hope to see more progress for you and hope it helps.

Btw, not in the tall club with the rest of you. I'm only 5'1".


Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
I've always found this quite funny, and this isn't geared to anyone in particular, but whenever's there's a thread about size/weight, how many tall people every forum seems to have. I myself am 6'4" 235lb. But it's just interesting stat, since less then 1% of people in the world are over 6'3". Just always interesting how we seem to migrate to forums.....
6'3" and 255 here! I could stand to lose about 30 or so...


Active Member
Just got done with my second workout. I'm getting a total of 6. We worked on legs today. Yesterday was shoulders and chest. Not sure what tomorrow brings. But he said to get in three "active" days per week. I've already done two, focusing on different areas of my body. Tomorrow's workout will show me the third, and then he'll give me a breakdown of what we did on these three days so I can repeat them next week, and the week after and so on.
He said the remaining 4 days of the week can be split into two ways. I can do one "regular" day and three "lazy" days, or two reg's and two lazy's.
An "Active" day is when you kick your own butt... like we've done the last two days.
A "regular" day means light-duty stuff, like running and other light cardio.
A "lazy" day means don't go to the gym.
He also said that calories are calories. It doesn't really matter what you eat (regarding decisions like turkey or ham, swiss or cheddar... not cookies or cake, both of which you shouldn't be eating anyway). He said that on an active day, he wants me eating 4200-4700 calories!!! Crazy. One of the rules was to eat right before I went to bed. He said the wives tale about giving yourself 3 hours of not eating before bed is wrong... it's good to give your body a little protein before bed because it gives your body some work to do even in your sleep. Interesting concept.
I find myself sweating for hours after my workout, as opposed to doing cardio, where I finish sweating once I get off the treadmill. Which proves to me the last point my trainer was making:
Cardio does great at burning calories, but once your finished, you're finished. On a treadmill, you burn 300-400 calories.
Resistance Training (Weight-lifting, etc) will burn the same amount of calories in a workout, but will also continue to burn calories for the next couple of days. So even though you've only burned 300 calories initially, you will continue to do so for the next two days... this means that one work out gives you over 900 calories off!
Anyway, I want to share this with you all because I don't want the money to go just for my sake. Hope this is helpful to you guys.


Active Member
If you are doing weight lifting properly, you do get cardio from it. A rapid weightlifting circuit of about 30 to 45 minutes with little rest in between sets is one of the best and most time efficient ways of working out that there is. You build muscle, get your heart rate up, sweat and burn fat all at the same time.
As far as nutrition, getting a good ratio of 30/30/40 is smart although I have found it is more effective to have more like 50 protein, 30 fat and 20 carb for myself. That comes with trial and error though and takes time to learn.
I'm a woman and am 5'8" and 170 but I only have 25% body fat. I am pretty muscular and I was also a personal trainer for a while and in the Marine Corps. Any support that you need let me know!

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by hlcroghan
I'm a woman and am 5'8" and 170 but I only have 25% body fat. I am pretty muscular and I was also a personal trainer for a while and in the Marine Corps. Any support that you need let me know!

Heeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyy guuurrrrrlllll!

crypt keeper

Active Member
There is nothing wrong with working out and doing cardio. Most people go to the gym and workout then come home and eat ice cream or stop by mcdonalds thinking Oh I just lifted I can cheat. You just undid everything.
I dont know how this website will be with me posting some Videos I have that are on another website but Im gonna do it.
These videos are probebly the best thing you will ever watch when it comes to dieting.
Watch take notes.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crypt keeper
Heeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyy guuurrrrrlllll!

You are cracking me Everyone assumes you are a man until proven other wise......Right, Ms. Kitty?

Weirdly enough, I actually specifically dieted to lose muscle a while back. Backwards to modern thinking I know. I did a modified Atkins diet because you drop both muscle and fat. I found myself looking a bit too bulky and wanted a slimmer look. But, eh, I gain muscle really easily for a woman so not concerned with it. It is a amazing what you can do with your body once you learn the tricks of what foods to eat.
I was successful too. I lost 30 pounds altogether. 20 fat and 10 muscle.

crypt keeper

Active Member
I know a lot of ex football players who have dieted to lose muscle and fat. When I was in college playing they wanted us Huge. 10,000 cals. per day. Its easier than you think. But we were also working out twice a day. 3 hour football pratice is tougher than anything in this world. Ding it 5 days a week was killer. I let myself go a little after school. It was hard. You were trained for almost 5 years to eat 10,000 cals a day. My body was literally starving. It was so used to that food intake I had no energy to do anything. I would get sick. My head would hurt. I started to get migrains. I would go lift and my body would shut down after so many sets. So I started to eat and eat and eat. I wasnt liting as hard or running as hard so naturally I gained weight. I started to level off and starting eating better and less. I would eat 7 times a day and eat enough to support a family of 4. Now its the same amount but better foods. I still have some weight to go. Id like to get my face thinned out some more. Im just more into power lifting. Right now my bench is at 425. Squat is at 600. See how far I can go!


Originally Posted by hlcroghan
You are cracking me Everyone assumes you are a man until proven other wise......Right, Ms. Kitty?

Weirdly enough, I actually specifically dieted to lose muscle a while back. Backwards to modern thinking I know. I did a modified Atkins diet because you drop both muscle and fat. I found myself looking a bit too bulky and wanted a slimmer look. But, eh, I gain muscle really easily for a woman so not concerned with it. It is a amazing what you can do with your body once you learn the tricks of what foods to eat.
I was successful too. I lost 30 pounds altogether. 20 fat and 10 muscle.
...I'm only 5'3"