So it Begins...all 10 feet of it...


Originally Posted by ccampbell57
Hey Greg - thanks for the props. As for the clarion, they are only imported by one person, and he has only imported around 700 total since Mexico lifted the ban on them. I an not aware of any being available, but I am sure that you could find a hobbiest who bought one for their reef and needs to unload it now :)
Ill keep my eye out for one, be prepared to spend buku bucks :)
can you give me a hint on cost? Upwards of $300 or keep on going? Is the person that imported them someone i could contact?


Originally Posted by ccampbell57
Yeah are looking at around $2500-3500 for a clarion.
Wow!! Anyone want to buy a teenager for $3000!! lol ok so are there any clarion look alikes more reasonably priced out there?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Gregstr56
are there any clarion look alikes more reasonably priced out there?
Do you mean in terms of coloration, or size/shape/behavior? For all intents and purposes a Passer angel (the guy in kjr's avatar) is identical to a Clarion, though the adult coloring is different.


Originally Posted by AquaKnight
Do you mean in terms of coloration, or size/shape/behavior? For all intents and purposes a Passer angel (the guy in kjr's avatar) is identical to a Clarion, though the adult coloring is different.
i had the juvi colors in mind


I never get tired of your tank! I look farward to new pictures.. I have no life!


Active Member
Saltman - I lost the male blonde naso 4 months back. One day it just went belly up and was laying on the front of the tank. No marks on it, no tears in the fins nothing. It was eating like a pig everyday prior...not sure of what happened.
I am going to replace him with a male Naso tang from Hawaii in about 6 months. I plan on getting a 9-10" to pair up with my female.


very nice "group picture" !! cant even begin to imagine when they're all in the "big tank"! thats going to be a sick tank.
did any of the larger angels try to go after the Clarion when it was introduced into the tank?
are you going to get a pair of crosshatch trigs when the new tank is set up?


Active Member
Hey Peter - yes the Queen was not happy with the Clarion. Scared the crap out of me. I fed the tank as usual, moved the rocks and then dropped the Clarion in. He has been in QT for 2 months and is heathier than any fish I own. She is almost 3 times his size and was chasing him around pretty good. So to ease the tension, I dropped in the Goldflake and the Devlivis and it threw off all the fish :)
Within 6 hours they were all settled and ready to eat again, so I fed them some pellets and they all looked like little pigs eating at the trough.
And...PRESTO...does this answer your question (they are in my 55g QT together)

He is 6" and she is barely 3"!!!!!