So it Begins...all 10 feet of it...


OMG Chris ,, I certainly didnt see that coming ! WOW ... very nice pair of Xhatch trigs. amazing the difference in coloration between them. hopefully i'll be able get one soon.. As for the angels, i have a rock beauty and a blue face in QT that will go into the tank soon. Im afraid my queen will chase the rock beauty since they are from the same genus. Hopefully the blueface and some large pink square anthias Im throwing in will distract the queen.

small triggers

Active Member
What a great tank
(i hate you). Its like angels from heaven dropped it down,,,, or more like from the ocean,, so what is your valentines day present to the fish?


Active Member
Yeah they will be in the big tank for sure. The 180 is completely full. I will stock the 125 with the rest of my livestock.


Active Member
Your tanks are amazing. Just curious as to what type of a filtration system you have going on these tanks? I'm getting ready to setup a 225 and am trying to get some ideas.


hey chris beautiful fish.are you planning on adding the crosshatches to the 500 or the big stocklist first.or are you just going to keep them in the 125 for a while.btw could you get some pics of the xhatches.thanks a ton


Those are the smallest Crosshatches I've ever seen! Nice find! How big is the Queen?


thanks for the schooling on Angels, btw. As per your tank shots i can see how you managed to get them to accomodate together. Ive been following this thread and we have similar tastes in Angels. I never even knew about a clarion angel until i caught this thread and hope you have great success in keeping it. Looking forward to the big tank build too.


Active Member
How is the build coming? There have yet to be any updates since the delivery? I hope all is going well and I am sure I speak for many people here, pictures and update!