So much for taking a break...


Originally Posted by Anjiro
Hey I was just curious what you are going to do with the horses that make it. Do you have a local lfs that takes them or sell them locally? Just curious thanks.
I manage a pet store, so some of the customers have purchased some privately from me, others I've sold locally, and others I've had people drive and we'd meet up somewhere. I do not ship. I don't want the hassle associated with that. This is a hobby for me, not a business. So I sell what I can locally or to people who care to drive to me... and the rest I keep.


Sorry for the delay in responding! I admit to successes and failures... this brood was definitely a failure. Mostly on my part.
December is absolutely horrible as far as the time I have to spend at home. As anyone else in retail management knows, the Christmas season is murderously long hours.
The story in a nutshell... had another brood born beginning of December. Didn't have time to set up another tank, so I tossed all the babies in with those born in early November. BAD IDEA! The older ones were eating adult brine, the babies eating newly hatched brine. Could only feed twice a day. Couldn't keep tank clean enough. Couldn't keep up on water changes. Just didn't have time for anything, really. To make a long story short, I have one, yes... 1 .... left that is doing great. Still eating enriched adult brine, will start to train on frozen soon.
On another note, another brood this past weekend. Brine hatcheries are going full-tilt, Christmas season is over... hopefully I'll get back in the rythym and this brood will do as well as they have in the past.